Request for Written Consent - Instructions for Contractors

Are you a human services contractor and have an instance of existing or foreseeable nepotism within your company? Learn how to submit a Request for Written Consent form.


In this article:

  1. Step 1. Access the form
  2. Step 2. Enter your organization's information
  3. Step 3. Enter your immediate family information
  4. Step 4. Submit the form

Before we begin

Only the Authorized Person of the Contractor should submit the form.

An Authorized Person can control or direct the Contractor's operations, and make financial decisions.


New York City's standard human service contract does not allow anyone to have a job with a contractor where an immediate family member has any supervisory, managerial, or other authority over them. The person can only do so with the written consent of the commissioner of the contracting City agency.

Below is guidance to NYC Human Service Contractors on how to submit an online Request for Written Consent form to the contracting agency commissioner in the event there is a foreseeable violation of the human services standard contract provision section 6.05 to 6.06. For more information, please refer to the NYC Anti-Nepotism Policy and Guidance for Not-for-Profit Contractors of Human Services.

Step 1. Access the form

Click Request for Written Consent form to access the form.

Screenshot of the online Request for Written Consent form
Screenshot of the online Request for Written Consent form (Computer view)

Please read the instructions at the top of the form. All form fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

CAPITALIZED terms in the Request for Written Consent form are defined in the NYC Anti-Nepotism Policy and Guidance for Not-for-profit Contractors of Human Services.

Step 2. Enter your organization's information

In the 1. Please provide the legal name of the Contractor text field, enter the legal name of your organization. To find your organization's legal name, search for the official name on the formation document of your business entity.

In the 2. What is the EIN of the Contractor? text field, enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN).

For 3. Please provide Contractor's current organizational chart, click on the Click to upload files, or drag & drop files here box to select a file representing your current organizational chart to upload. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files into the box.

Screenshot of file upload box for organizational chart (Computer view)
Screenshot of file upload box for organizational chart (Computer view)

For 4. Which NYC agencies do you have contracts with? (click all that apply), select all the NYC government agencies you have contracts with by clicking on the checkboxes next to the agency names.

If an NYC agency you have a contract with is not listed, select Other. Once selected, a text field will appear below the agency selection. In the 4a. If Other, please provide the name of the NYC agency you have a contract with text field, enter agency names not already listed.

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Step 3. Enter your immediate family information

In this section, fill in information about the persons of immediate familial relation that require written consent.

Select who the Request for Written Consent is for

Click the 5. Written consent is being requested for (Select up to two) drop down field to open a menu of options.

  • Board Member
  • Employee
  • Authorized Person
  • Key Person
  • Director

Read the description for each role, then select the roles of the people that require written consent.

You must select two roles. For example, if the relationship is between a Board Member and Authorized Person, select Board Member and Authorized Person.

Select the Immediate Family relationship

For 6. What is the Immediate Family relationship? (Select up to two), select the relationship.

Screenshot of list of checkboxes describing family relationships (Computer view)
Screenshot of list of checkboxes describing family relationships (Computer view)

Some of the options identify the relationship with both ends, as a combined description:

  • Parent and Child
  • Parent and Step-Child
  • Siblings
  • Spouses or Domestic Partners
  • Separated Spouses or Domestic Partners
  • Parent-in-law and Child-in-law
  • Sibling-in-laws
  • Cousins

Other options require you to select each person in the relationship. For example, if the relationship is between an aunt and a niece, select both Aunt and Niece.

The options provided for this are:

  • Niece
  • Nephew
  • Aunt
  • Uncle

If the relationship is not listed, select Other. Once selected, a text field will appear below the relationship selection. In the 6a. If Other, please explain the Immediate Family relationship text field, describe the relationship.

Enter the Immediate Family members information

In the 7. Please provide the Immediate Family members' names, titles, hire dates, and name of the entity that employs each person text field, enter both members' information.

Follow the example below for entering information.


Jane Doe, Chief Operating Officer, Hired 05/20/2024, Entity Name: ABC Organization
Eric Johnson, Program Manager, Hired 03/16/2023, Entity Name: ABC Organization

Please use a new line for each Immediate Family member.

In the 8. Please provide the total compensation amount by year for each Immediate Family member... text field, enter both Immediate Family members' yearly compensation for the past 3 years. If an Immediate Family member has not started employment, please provide their anticipated compensation amount.

Follow the example below for entering information.


2023 - Jane Doe, Total Comp $1,000,000 = $500,000 City Source + $500,000 ABC Organization
2022 - Jane Doe, Total Comp $800,000 = $300,000 City Source + $200,000 ABC Organization + $300,000 XYZ Organization
2021 - Jane Doe, Total Comp $750,000 = $300,000 City Source + $110,000 ABC Organization + $340,000 XYZ Organization
2023 - Eric Johnson, Total Comp $500,000 = $200,000 City Source + $300,000 ABC Organization
2022 - Eric Johnson, Total Comp $650,000 = $300,000 City Source + $350,000 ABC Organization
2021 - Eric Johnson, Total Comp $700,000 = $300,000 City Source + $100,000 ABC Organization + $300,000 XYZ Organization

Please use a new line for each year.

For 9. Indicate whether the Immediate Family members have the ability to (click all that apply), select the actions that the Immediate Family members can take in the organization.

Enter Authorized Person information

In the 10. Name and title of Authorized Person submitting this form text field, enter your first name, your last name, and your job title.

In the 11. Email of Authorized Person submitting this form text field, enter your email address.

Optional Supporting Documentation

If you have any additional relevant documents to share, click the box below 12. Upload any supporting documentation below to select your files to upload. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files in the box.

Screenshot of file upload box for supporting documents (Computer view)
Screenshot of file upload box for supporting documents (Computer view)

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Step 4. Submit the form

Review your form entries for all required questions. If you are ready to submit your entries, click the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

A "Thank you for your submission!" confirmation message should appear on your screen.

Message thanking you for submitting the Anti-Nepotism Request for Written Consent Form
Confirmation message after submitting the Request for Written Consent form

If you do not receive a confirmation message, please contact the MOCS Vendor Integrity Unit (MOCS VIU) at

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Last updated: May 24, 2024