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Leadership Training Section

The mission of the Leadership Training Section (LTS) is to provide quality leadership training for NYPD executives, lieutenants, sergeants, and civilian supervisors, first upon achieving rank or title, and then continuing with in-service training programs. The promotional and in-service training courses offer instruction in utilizing management theories, leadership concepts, supervisory information, and best practices consistent with department policies. LTS helps ranking supervisors, civilian managers, and executives develop a solid core of knowledge and expertise based on legal principles, NYPD procedures, and effective leadership and tactical communication skills.

Some of the areas covered in-depth are leadership and management theories, supervisory concepts and practices, rank and title responsibilities, legal issues for supervisors, employee well-being, and policing strategies. The goal of LTS is to enhance the performance of all supervisors, both uniformed and civilian. Developing prepared, knowledgeable supervisors ensures that current and future NYPD leaders will be equipped to lead the agency with professionalism, confidence, and skill.

LTS provides the full gamut of leadership training for the department. In all of the coursework and curricula, leadership and growth are the grounding principles. It continues to incorporate additional educational opportunities into the training programs by enhancing partnerships with private organizations, outside educational institutions, and other government agencies.

Executive Development Unit

Executive Development Unit (EDU) serves as the in-service training branch for the New York City Police Department's executive and managerial corps. The mission of the EDU is to provide educational training that reflects the management priorities of the department.

Uniform Promotions Unit

Uniform Promotions Unit (UPU) provides leadership training for newly promoted sergeants, lieutenants and captains. UPU is committed to enhancing the knowledge and professional capabilities of the newest leaders of the NYPD.

Instructor Development Unit

Instructor Development Unit (IDU) provides department instructors with the knowledge and skills to deliver various effective instructional strategies and serves as a training resource on matters pertaining to lesson planning, public speaking, communication, and training aids. Upon completion, students receive New York State certification as General Topics Instructors from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).

Course Offered

Civilian Blue Courage is designed to improve employees' effectiveness, resiliency, and leadership skills.

Civilian Leaders Empowered to Act Decisively (LEAD) provides sub-managerial civilian supervisors with leadership and management concepts, knowledge and skill sets, along with techniques needed to perform tasks within their titles. The course instills confidence by providing practical experience including, but not limited to, role-play scenarios, hands-on simulations, case studies, and real life situational training.

School Crossing Guard – Level II (SCG II) Course prepares the newly promoted School Crossing Guard Level - IIs to perform the activities required to oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report directly to them and develop skills to become effective supervisors.

Legal Bureau Leadership Course introduces supervisory principles and management skills to newly promoted Legal Bureau supervisors.