NYPD Police Officer Exam Recruitment Effort

April 6, 2021

Encourages Applicants to “Be the Change”

Police Commissioner Dermot Shea announced today that the NYPD is kicking off a comprehensive recruitment campaign to attract applicants for the upcoming police officer exam. The goal is to attract a diverse pool of candidates seeking a career of public service within the nation’s largest municipal police department, which celebrated its 175th Anniversary last year.

This effort is part of the department’s continuing goal to attract candidates interested in serving the city. The filling period is from April 7 through April 27. To sign up, simply click on the website www.NYPDrecruit.com. The new exam will be given beginning on June 15.

“Joining the NYPD means taking an oath to protect and serve your fellow citizens,” said Police Commissioner Dermot Shea. “There is a path for everyone in the NYPD. Whether you become a forensic scientist, a helicopter pilot, a neighborhood coordinating officer or a detective who works tirelessly to gain justice for crime victims, your contributions will help us build on the work we’ve done to strengthen our bonds with the communities we serve. The opportunities are limitless.”


The department continues to build on its achievements. We are reforming and reinventing policing in New York – a job we began more than seven years ago. Going forward, we would like you to join us.

We often quote Sir Robert Peel in saying that “the police are the public and the public are the police.” The department needs people who, under their blue uniforms, represent the communities they come from – people who are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters and neighbors. We want to ensure the NYPD looks like New York City.

Our relationships with those we serve is the foundation of our vision for our department and for the policing profession. Joining the NYPD is a way to make a difference, to be a part of our important commitment to continuous improvement.
