April 4, 2018
New York City's sustained reduction in overall index crime continued through March 2018, continuing the downward trend and resulting in a new safety record for any first quarter in the Compstat era. There were 7,136 index crimes reported for March 2018 compared with 7,430 for March 2017, or -4.0%. Compared with the same period as last year, the first quarter of 2018 had 21,413 index crimes reported, 921 fewer index crimes than in the first quarter of 2017, or -4.1%. Reported for the quarter there were nine fewer murders, or -13.6%; 212 fewer robberies, or -6.6%; 159 fewer felony assaults, or -3.5%; 264 fewer burglaries, or -9.0%; 275 fewer grand larcenies, or -2.8%; 78 fewer grand larceny autos (GLA), or -6.2%. There was an increase of 76 rapes, or +24.8%.
There were 21 murders reported in March 2018, one more or +5%, compared with March 2017. There were 145 rapes reported in March 2018, compared with 110 in March 2017. This is an increase of 35 crimes, or +31.8%. There were 918 robberies reported in March 2018, compared with 973 in March 2017. This is a reduction of 55 crimes, or -5.7%. There were 1,546 felonious assaults reported in March 2018, compared with 1,579 in March 2017. This is a reduction of 33 crimes, or -2.1%. There were 836 burglaries reported in March 2018, compared with 943 in March 2017. This is a reduction of 107 crimes, or -11.3%. There were 3,258 grand larcenies reported in March 2018, compared with 3,413 in March 2017. This is a decrease of 155 crimes, or -4.5%. There were 412 grand larceny autos (GLA) reported in March 2018, compared with 392 in March 2017. This is an increase of 20 crimes, or +5.1%.
"We had a record breaking year last year thanks to the hard working women and men in blue," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "Neighborhood policing is a game changer. Crime goes down when New Yorkers work side-by-side with police officers with the shared goal of maintaining our title as the safest big city in the country."
Shooting incidents declined, with 45 incidents reported in March 2018 compared with 48 incidents in March 2017. There were 179 crimes reported in the Transit Bureau in March 2018, compared with 226 in March 2017. This is a reduction of 47 crimes, or -20.8%. There were 387 crimes reported in the Housing Bureau in March 2018, compared with 417 in March 2017. This is a reduction of 30 crimes, or -7.2%.
Note: All crime statistics are preliminary and subject to further analysis, revisions, or change.