NYPD Announces November Crime Statistics

December 8, 2021

Department Highlights Efforts Over Past Eight Years to Reduce Crime and Strengthen Ties with New Yorkers

For the month of November 2021, the number of murders declined in New York City compared with November 2020: Murder decreased by 17.2% (24 v. 29) for the month. Sustained declines in murders drove murders down, year-to-date through November, by 0.5% (434 v. 436) compared with the same period last year.

On enforcement, the NYPD has continued its work to strategically build long-term cases and focus on the drivers of violence. The Department has also maintained a focus on street enforcement. New York City’s Police officers made 334 gun arrests for the month of November, bringing the total number of gun arrests in 2021 to 4,144. This is a 7.8% increase compared to 3,844 gun arrests year-to-date through November 2020. This represents the largest number of year-to-date gun arrests since 1995.

Overall index crime in New York City increased by 21.3% in November 2021, compared with November 2020 (10,186 v. 8,396). Burglary saw a 5.7% decrease for November 2021 (1,266 v. 1,342), Robbery increased by 24.1% (1,418 v. 1,143) and Felony Assault increased by 11.2 % (1,868 v. 1,680). Through November 2021, overall index crime year-to-date increased by 3.4% compared to 2020 (91,185 v. 88,173).

A look back: 2014 to 2021

A look back on the past eight years shows New York City has experienced significant crime reductions. Overall index crime has decreased by 11% since 2013, when 101,755 index crimes were recorded, and by 46% since 2000, when there were 169,424 index crimes.

Today, six of eight NYPD patrol boroughs have experienced overall index crime declines over the last eight-years – that are in large measure a reflection of the work developed and implemented by NYPD’s leaders as part of their real time management of ever-present public safety concerns.

These gains were part of a long-term strategy that began in 2014. Technology played a key role.

  • A ShotSpotter gunshot detection system was installed around the city to give police officers a head start the moment shots were fired. The system has since expanded.
  • Police officers received smartphones – placing troves of inward-facing data available to commanders at Police Headquarters into the hands of those on our city’s streets. Officers for the first time could read the text of 911 calls, directly contact the citizens who called, dial up 911 histories of city addresses, and search criminal and warrant status.
These technology advances allowed the NYPD to embrace its precision policing model. The Detective Bureau honed a laser-focused on the “trigger pullers,” those few violent actors who drive the majority of violent crime in New York City.
  • The launch in 2014 of the Gun Violence Suppression Division.
  • The targeted dismantling of a particularly violent set of crews responsible for a rash of shootings across Brooklyn.
  • Taking this strategy citywide and working hand-in-hand with the city’s five District Attorneys, in takedown after takedown, the Gun Violence Suppression Division and other Detective Bureau squads drove enforcement efforts that resulted in shooting incidents decreasing in targeted areas.
  • So far in 2021, the NYPD has conducted 33 gang takedowns and made 118 corresponding arrests, yielding precipitous declines in shootings across several neighborhoods.
Annual numbers of shootings incidents in New York City declined to 721 in 2019, from 1,024 in 2013. In 2020 and 2021, the city faced unprecedented challenges: COVID-19, which affected thousands of officers, and crippled the state court system; citywide protests that strained police resources; and a flood of guns from out of state as well as “ghost guns” that are assembled at home and are untraceable to the purchaser.


Shootings have persisted in pockets of the city, increasing both in 2020 and through November of 2021, to levels not seen since the mid-2000s. For this past November, citywide shooting incidents have experienced an uptick of 2.6% (119 v. 116), compared to the same period a year ago, and rose 2% year-do-date through November – though they were down in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

Curtailing gun violence remains the top priority. This intelligence-driven approach is led in part by the NYPD’s Intelligence Bureau. Its Field Intelligence Teams were expanded by over 200 investigators to increase focus on debriefing prisoners about gun crimes, supporting long-term gang and crew investigations, gathering evidence for strong prosecutions, and propelling the comprehensive mission of precision-policing.

Our Kids, Our Future

Building off of the Neighborhood Policing philosophy, the sustained efforts of the last eight years are enhanced by the NYPD’s work to expand outreach in communities and build programs for youth under the Kids First philosophy – geared to provide more choices to young people who often have too few.

  • The foundation for these ideas came, again, in early 2014, with the creation of the Neighborhood Policing philosophy. That concept – fundamentally a community-involved crime-fighting innovation – has redefined what it means to be a police officer in New York City. The Neighborhood Coordination officers work steady shifts in the same sectors to gain familiarity with the authentic stakeholders they encounter, and to build enough credibility to be trusted with tips about crime and disorder conditions that can be tackled with the appropriate responses. Vigorous collaboration gives community members policing footholds and, in turn, casts police officers as the community members they are and wish to be.
  • An evolution of this subsequently developed is the Youth Coordination Officers – who focus attention on kids today to prevent potential entanglements with the criminal justice system tomorrow.
  • To enhance these efforts, the Kids First philosophy was a key part of the Safe Summer Initiative this year.
  • There were 15 basketball courts rebuilt across the city’s housing development as well as four courts at the Colonel Charles Young Field. A hundred gyms were opened at night to allow kids (and cops) to create leagues, partnerships, and mentoring. The NYPD also launched the Blue Chips program in all precincts citywide to provide sports programs and mentoring to young people. And some 600 jobs were offered by the NYPD for young people from around the city.
Today, the sum of the initiatives is an NYPD pulling as one with all its tools, functioning together in a seamless process, to make a better police department and improve life for all in the city.


“A community’s safety requires a bond of trust between the people and their police. The Neighborhood Coordination officers, and the Youth Coordination Officers, were able to take big city policing and make it feel very local, neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block,” said Police Commissioner Dermot Shea. “Today, we can take stock of the dedication of our police officers who carry out their public service with pride and often at great peril and personal sacrifice. We owe them our thanks for what they have done and we owe them our support for the work they must continue to do for the good of us all.”

Ongoing Work

Through the COVID-19 outbreak, the NYPD never wavered in its responsibility as guardians of society. The NYPD essential workers kept working, kept fighting crime, even as thousands in the uniformed workforce were on sick leave during the height of the pandemic. Officers did their jobs. They carried out their sworn oaths to ensure consequences for criminal behavior, whether the courts were fully functioning or not. They used the tools they had, even as the laws were changing underneath them.

The NYPD remains relentless. Shootings incidents have turned downward, by 13% since the implementation of the Safe Summer NYC initiative just six months ago. Those are the kinds of gains the NYPD’s evolved approach is precisely designed to achieve.

Amid ongoing challenges, the NYPD’s sustained commitment endures as it continues working to suppress crime in New York and remove instruments of violence from the streets in line with its responsibilities of civic governance.

Statistics on Index Crimes

  November 2021 November 2020 +/- % YTD 2021 YTD 2020 +/- %
Murder 24 29 -5 -17.2% 434 436 -2 -0.5%
Rape 124 122 +2 +1.6% 1368 1338 +30


Robbery 1418 1143 +275 +24.1% 12418 11966 +452 +3.8%
Fel. Assault 1868 1680 +188 +11.2% 20865 19174 1691 8.8%
Burglary 1266 1342 -76 -5.7% 11399 14186 -2787 -19.6%
4433 3153 +1280 +40.6% 35254 32816 +2438 +7.4%
G.L.A. 1053 927 +126 +13.6% 9447 8257 +1190 +14.4%
TOTAL 10186 8396 +1790 +21.3% 91185 88173 +3012 +3.4%

Additional Statistics for November 2021

  November 2021 November 2020 +/- % YTD 2021 YTD 2020 +/- %
235 114 +121 +106.1% 1581 1640 -59 -3.9%
470 428 +42 +9.8% 470 428 +42 -9.8%
119 116 +3 +2.6% 1441 1413 +28 +2.0%

November 2021 Rape Breakdowns

Count Occurred
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5+ Years
126 111 4 2 1 0 8
122 95 6 6 2 2 11
119 102 4 2 3 2 6
143 121 6 4 5 1 6
125 111 4 1 1 0 8
98 88 3 2 1 2 2

Rape continues to be underreported. If you have been a victim of sexual assault, please come forward. The NYPD Special Victims Division's 24-hour hotline is 212-267-7273


Year-To-Date Hate Crimes Statistics Summary through November 28th, 2021


Motivation 2021 2020 Diff % Change
128 28 +100 -357%
31 34 -3 -9%
0 0 0 0%
7 0 7 ***.*%
20 13 +7 +45%
7 0 7 ***.*%
179 121 +58 +48%
12 4 +8 +48%
8 12 -4 -33%
Sexual Orientation
84 28 +56 +200%
18 10 +8 +80%
Grand Total
494 251 +243 +97%

Note: Hate Crime Task Force Statistics contained above are subject to change as Active Possible Bias Cases can be reclassified to Non-Bias and removed from counted statistics upon investigation. As a result of a possible change to Non-Bias classification, statistical percentages may fluctuate beyond assumed percentage calculations from week-to-week reporting periods
