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Historical New York City Crime Data

The New York City Police Department records reported crime and offense data in accordance with the New York State Penal Law and other New York State laws. For statistical presentation purposes the numerous law categories and subsections are summarized by law class: felony, misdemeanor and violation. These legal categories are then subdivided into broad crime and offense categories, e.g., Felonious Assault, Grand Larceny, Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief, etc. The tabular data presented here compile reported crime and offense data recorded by the New York City Police Department from 2000 through 2015. Separate tables are presented for the seven major felonies, other felony crimes, misdemeanors, and violations.

Citywide tables are presented in PDF format, as well as Excel spreadsheet format in zip file archives. All can be downloaded. Each citywide table contains statistical footnotes that explain the content of the table and any aggregation of subcategories within the law class. The crime complaint data presented are a snapshot of the complaint report status as of the dates noted in the table's statistical notes. Statistics for the most recent years may be subject to further updating as a result of continuing investigative activities after the snapshot date. All crime and offense complaint data based on New York State laws reported to the NYPD from other police agencies for incidents occurring within the confines of New York City are included. Federal criminal offenses are not included. The misdemeanor and violation categories do not include summons and Juvenile Report activity.

The data presented in the tables are not organized in the FBI's Uniform Crime Report (UCR) format and are not directly comparable to that format. The FBI reorganizes the New York State Penal Law categories to establish national statistics that can be compared across all the states with their various penal laws. The data is, however, classified and scored in the same fashion as the UCR. Reported incidents are first classified to identify all the crimes that may have occurred, then scored to identify the most serious offense. The recorded crime classification for each crime report is the most serious offense. Attempts to commit a crime are recorded as the crime (note: attempted murders are recorded as felonious assaults).

An arrest that is proactive in nature (e.g., a drug arrest) is counted as a crime complaint in the appropriate category.

Citywide Historical Data

Historical Crime Data by Precinct