Excel data files for the current financial plan available for downloading:
Agency Spending by Budget Function
This dataset contains information, for a select number of agencies, detailing the costs of providing services within an agency. Amounts are in dollars.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Capital Budget
This dataset contains capital appropriation data by project type, budget line and source of funds. Amounts are in whole dollars. Data is created three times per year for the Preliminary Budget, Executive Budget and Adopted Budget to match appropriation numbers in the Capital Budget publication.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Capital Commitment Plan
This dataset contains capital commitment plan data by project type, budget line and source of funds. The dollar values are in thousands. The dataset is updated three times per year in Preliminary, Executive and Adopted Budget to match commitment numbers in the Capital Commitment Plan publication.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Community Boards Geographic Report
This dataset represents the geographic section in the Geographic Report for Expense Budget. It breaks down a service delivery agency's budget for current fiscal year and the next fiscal year by local districts, boroughs and programs within U/A. Dollar amount is in actual dollars. This dataset is updated triannually.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Expense Budget
This dataset contains expense agency data by unit of appropriation for the Adopted, Financial Plan and Modified conditions by object code. The numbers within can be summarized to be consistent with data from either the Supporting Schedule, Departmental Estimate or the Expense, Revenue, Contact Budget.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Expense Budget Funding - All Source
This dataset contains expense agency data by unit of appropriation for the Adopted, Financial Plan and Modified conditions by funding source. The numbers within can be summarized to be consistent with data from either the Supporting Schedule, Departmental Estimate or the Expense, Revenue, Contact Budget.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Expense Financial Plan - Adpt\Prel
This dataset contains agency summary level data for PS, OTPS and Total by type of funds. The dollar amount fields are rounded to the thousands. The Adopted and Preliminary reports, published by July 1 and January or February respectively, contain the current fiscal year plus four out years of data which coincide with the release of the published financial plan.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Financial Plan Baseline & Initiatives By Funding
This dataset contains information about financial plan initiatives amounts applied during a financial plan period. The dollar amounts are rounded to thousands. Data is updated after most financial plans.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Financial Plan Headcount Baseline & Initiatives By Funding
This dataset contains headcount information about financial plan initiatives applied during a financial plan period. Data is updated after most financial plans.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Full-Time And Full-Time Equivalent Staffing Levels
This dataset contains estimated fiscal year-end headcount information for full-time and full-time equivalent employees (FTE). The information is summarized by agency, personnel type and funding. The amount fields are whole numbers. The numbers within can be summarized to match pages from the publication “Full-Time and Full-Time Equivalent Staffing Levels”.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Register of Community Board Budget Requests
This dataset reports each of the projects and programs requested by the City’s 59 community boards. The Register is the charter mandated product of a dynamic and cyclical budget process for the 59 community boards. The community boards consult with agencies on the capital and expense needs of the district. After consulting, each community board develops and votes separate priorities for up to 40 capital and 25 expense budget requests which the agencies review and respond to in the Register of Community Board Requests for the Preliminary Budget in January. The Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reviews these same budget requests and updates the responses for the Executive and Adopted Budgets.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Revenue Budget & Financial Plan - Exec\Adpt\Prel
This dataset contains agency revenue data for Adopted, Modified and five years of Financial Plan by Revenue Class, Revenue Category and Revenue Source (Revenue Structure) or FPS Group name. The numbers within can be summarized to match pages from either the Supporting Schedule, Departmental Estimate or the Expense, Revenue, Contact Budget.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset
Ten-Year Capital Strategy
This dataset contains Ten-Year Capital Strategy data by project type, ten-year plan category and source of funds. The dollar values are in thousands. The dataset is updated every other year in Preliminary and Executive Budget.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset