February 20, 2018
NYC Opportunity has released an evaluation of the NYC Department of Probation Arches Transformative Mentoring program (Arches), which finds that it produces a significant positive impact on recidivism. Arches is a group mentoring program serving young adult probation clients that uses an evidence-based journaling curriculum centered on cognitive behavioral principles. Participants are matched with mentors who have backgrounds similar to their own, known as “credible messengers.”
The evaluation, which was conducted by the Urban Institute with support from the Department of Probation, finds that young adult probation clients who participated in Arches are significantly less likely to be reconvicted of a felony.
Key findings include:
The evaluation used a quasi-experimental design to compare recidivism outcomes at 12 and 24 months for Arches participants and a matched comparison group. The evaluation also assessed participant and staff experiences in the program, identified best practices associated with successful operation, and presented recommendations for program enhancement.
To learn more read the press release or download the Arches Transformative Mentoring Program: An Implementation and Impact Evaluation in New York City.