The Last-Mile Facility Text Amendment is a proposed zoning change that would establish a City Planning Commission (CPC) Special Permit for new last-mile facilities. This means that before such a facility can open, it would undergo a substantial public review process. This review would help ensure that these facilities do not create significant conflicts with their surroundings.
A last-mile facility is a type of warehouse where large numbers of parcels are quickly sorted before being sent to their final destinations. The term "last mile" refers to the fact that the parcel's final destination is often close to the warehouse.
The rise in online shopping and demand for fast deliveries has made last-mile facilities a more significant part of the logistics network. These facilities play an important role in enabling many of the conveniences that New Yorkers have come to enjoy. A new special permit review process is intended to ensure that new last-mile facilities are appropriately reviewed before going into operation.
The Department of City Planning is currently studying the best ways to regulate these facilities and is seeking input from a wide range of stakeholders in 2024. Please contact us at the email address below to share your feedback.
This proposal will undergo environmental review, with an environmental scoping meeting scheduled for Spring 2025
Please email with questions or comments.