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Public participation in the environmental review process is important because it provides a different perspective from project proponents and agencies in examining potential environmental effects.  Valuable information may be provided by people who live and work in areas of proposed projects. New York City encourages all interested parties to participate in the environmental review process.

Public comment periods are mandated by state and city rules at certain steps of the environmental review process. Such comment periods provide the public, agencies, and other interested parties the opportunity to provide input into the process for specific reviews. For example, substantive comments on a draft scope of work may focus the issues and analysis topics to be included in the draft EIS, the methodologies for analysis (such as the size of a study area, the type of data to be gathered, or the type of analysis to be conducted), the alternatives to the proposed project, and any special conditions or concerns that the lead agency should consider.

To find information on public scoping meetings, public hearings, and other CEQR events occurring throughout the city, search the Citywide CEQR Calendar.