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Local Law 86

Local Law 86 of 2005 (LL86)

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg signed Intro 324 into law on October 3, 2005. Known as Local Law 86 of 2005 (LL86), the law was developed by the Administration in conjunction with the New York City Council

Local Law 86 Rules

The Rules for LL86 were published by MOEC in draft form for public comment on December 1, 2006. Following a public comment period, a public hearing, and the issuance of a Statement of Necessity in accordance with Chapter 45, Section 1043 of the New York City Charter (City Administrative Procedure Act or CAPA), the final Rules became effective on April 2, 2007. 

June 21, 2009 Amendment to the Local Law 86 Rules

The June 21, 2009 amendment to the LL86 rules took effect following the public comment period and hearing required by CAPA. This amendment redefines the selected green building rating system as the Version 3 LEED® 2009 suite of systems, the most recent version published by USGBC.

Executive Order 149 of 2011

On June 27, 2011, the Mayor issued Executive Order 149.  In addition to exercising the same powers and duties of the Mayor regarding the implementation of LL86 as those in Executive Order 97 of 2006 that it supersedes, Executive Order 149 authorizes the Director to expand the category of projects subject to the law's goals and policies, to periodically evaluate the stringency of  the law's minimum requirements, and, as warranted by developments affecting the green building industry, to make these requirements more stringent through the issuance of amendments to the LL86 Rules.

Local Law 84

Local Law 84 requires annual benchmarking data to be submitted by owners of buildings with more than 50,000 square feet for public disclosure by May 1. This will bring transparency for energy and water usage and inform building owners and tenants on how to make their buildings more efficient.

Read Local Law 84: Benchmarking
Read Detailed Summary of Local Law 84 

Benchmarking Rule

The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) has published a Rule to provide details on how to benchmark to comply with Local Law 84 (LL84).

Read Local Law 84 Final Benchmarking Rule

Local Law 85: NYC Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC)

As national and state energy laws become updated periodically, New York City's energy laws must also be updated to reflect equal or more stringent regulations. No longer exempting renovations affecting less than half of the building system, Local Law 85 (LL85), the second law in the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan (GGBP), now requires buildings to meet the most current energy code for any renovation or alteration project. LL85's requirement is based on a series of local energy laws, collectively called New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC). NYCECC currently comprises the 2010 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (ECCCNYS), Local Law 85 of 2009, Local Law 48 of 2010 and Local Law 1 of 2011.

Read Local Law 85: NYC Energy Conservation Code
Read Detailed Summary of Local Law 85
For updates to NYCECC, visit the Energy Code page

Local Law 87

Local Law 87 requires large buildings to audit, retro-commission, and submit information to the City. The audit and retro-commissioning information includes the following:

  • Basic team information
  • General building information
  • Existing equipment inventory
  • Energy end use breakdown
  • Energy conservation measures identified from the audit
  • Retro-commissioning measures

In alignment with annual benchmarking, these measures will work to optimize buildings' energy performance.

Read Local Law 87: Energy Audits and Retro-commissioning

Energy Audits and Retro-commissioning Rule

Read Local Law 87: Final Audits and Retro-commissioning Rule

The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) has published a rule to provide more details on how to perform energy audits and retro-commissioning to comply with LL87.

Local Law 88: Lighting Upgrades & Sub-metering

Local Law 88 requires large non-residential buildings to upgrade lighting to meet current New York City Energy Conservation Code standards, and to install electrical sub-meters for each large non-residential tenant space and provide monthly energy statements.

Read Local Law 88: Lighting Upgrades and Sub-metering
Read Detailed Summary of Local Law 88

Local Law 6 of 2016

Pursuant to Local Law 6 of 2016, the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and the NYC Department of Design and Construction developed an online screening tool to  help identify areas where geothermal heat pump systems may be an option for retrofitting buildings’ heating and cooling systems. The tool evaluates closed loop, open loop, and standing column well systems. City agencies are required to use the screening tool in the planning process for the new construction of a city-owned building and the retrofitting of an existing city-owned building’s heating and cooling system. On sites where geothermal systems are geologically and technically suitable, the annual social cost of carbon savings is calculated based off of the projected carbon footprint reduction.

Read Local Law 6 of 2016
Read the report on river water-based geothermal systems

Visit the geothermal tool