00:39:49	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Where does funding for HPD Affordable housing come from?
00:51:03	Eddy Almonte (HPD):	If you’d like to review what household income category applies to you, check out the Eligible Incomes by Household Size chart on the HPD website: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/do-you-qualify.page
00:56:17	New Age Pre IPO:	I was under the impression that this would cover private home or Primary resident purchases along with aid for downpayments or possible grants or anything favorable for my family.
00:56:28	mary Bourne:	How many rent stabilized buildings are in S.I.?
00:58:32	Michael Sandler (HPD):	Mary, approximately 6% of homes in Staten Island are rent stabilized. This is much fewer than other boroughs, because rent stabilization typically applies to building built before 1974 and with more than 6 units
00:59:21	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Do affordability calculations take into account property size? For example, if a family of three live in an apartment that is within their budget but it is a small one bedroom, is it really affordable?
00:59:21	mary Bourne:	Can we also consider that low income families and seniors don't have access to this technology to be able to answer some of these questions.
01:01:42	New Age Pre IPO:	(Correction)I was under the Impression that this would cover private home or Primary resident purchases along with aid for downpayments or possible grants or anything favorable for my family on purchasing a home?  First time buyers etc.
01:02:51	Desiree Darden:	To everyone, this is so very interesting and I have so much to suggest for the upcoming RFPS.  I have a conflicting Zoom call beginning now.  I hope this is something I can listen to at a later date.  My email is: madamedarden@yahoo.com and I am Desiree Darden.
01:04:18	Charlisa Lanzot:	HPD administers a first time home buyers program based on eligible requirements in partnership with NHS.  You can get thie information on HPD's Housing Resource Center website at https://www1.nyc.gov/site/housingportal/index.page
01:06:12	Charlisa Lanzot:	There are first time home buyer grants that are available through this program.
01:07:02	Alfred Gill:	NHS of Staten Island administers the program with HPD. we have a homebuyer webinar on tonight with 90 Statenislanders looking for a home
01:07:35	Kelly Vilar:	4 acres? for a 12 story building? did I hear correctly?
01:08:45	Stephanie Shavuo:	4.4 acres = 1 building? is it possible to have more than 1 building on the property of Site A?
01:11:05	Josh Saal (HPD):	Hi Kelly and Stephanie, the site for affordable housing building is approximately 100,000 square feet, which is approximately 2.3 acres.  Those 2.3 acres will not be entirely occupied by building as there are zoning requirements.  We hope to discuss this more in the next engagement session focused on design.  The reference to 4.4 acres was for the public esplanade and open space improvements outside the HPD site that EDC, Parks and DDC are building.  
01:11:26	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	I have heard that the current affordable housing units at 7 Navy have all been put in one section of the building. Will there be a plan put in place to make sure affordable housing units are not segregated from the rest of the building?
01:12:24	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Also, will building amenities be available to those in affordable housing unites?
01:12:48	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	units*
01:12:53	Stephanie Shavuo:	With the expectation of studio & 1 Bdr aapt., how will families of 3 to 6 people be assisted?
01:13:19	Josh Saal (HPD):	Hi Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr.:  the housing units that will be built on this site will be 100% affordable housing.  
01:16:11	Dr Carolina:	How do you safeguard against the creation of more historic impoverished communities via this type of development?  Additionally segregated communities? 
01:19:01	mary Bourne:	Why is there no 3 bedroom apartments?
01:19:13	Kelly Vilar:	Are wrap around services built into the RFP or is this just for design planning and construction? Does the developer also manage or is a nonprofit or another group subcontracted to manage the building?  
01:21:00	Josh Saal (HPD):	Family sized units referenced here start with 2 bedrooms but can also be larger.  These could be 3-bedroom homes as well as occasionally 4-bedroom homes.  

01:21:02	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Will there be services offered to families that are placed from homeless shelters so that they will have the knowledge and education needed to take on the responsibility of continued renting/ownership?
01:22:24	Kelly Vilar:	If there is to be a homeless shelter at 44 Victory Blvd can there be set asides or programming that connects occupants from the shelter to these new units? 
01:24:21	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Is there an opportunity for recent graduates and young families in new careers to take advantage of this type of housing?
01:24:47	Cindy Voorspuy:	Are the slides available for later review?
01:25:26	Kelly Vilar:	What are the minimal and maximum number of units to be built? 
01:27:56	Michael Sandler (HPD):	@Cindy these slides will be available on our project website, along with a recording of the meeting
01:27:59	Cindy Voorspuy:	What type of resiliency features will be built into the open space and buildings constructed on the site?
01:29:35	Josh Saal (HPD):	This presentation will be made available for later review on the Stapleton website: http://nyc.gov/stapleton-site-a
01:30:11	Josh Saal (HPD):	@Cindy Resiliency features for the site will be further discussed in the next engagement session on urban design.  
01:31:19	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Does the board of the trust have to live in the community/district?
01:34:33	Kelly Vilar:	Where can we get technical assistance to set up a CLT? Can the city provide tech assistance in this regard if the community wanted to create one? Would a new group be eligible?
01:37:06	Kelly Vilar:	thank you
01:39:18	Michael Sandler (HPD):	@Kelly you can learn more about Community Land Trusts and the New York City landscape here https://nyccli.org/
01:42:33	Michael Sandler (HPD):	Lots of great questions tonight! We're going to try to get to as many as possible, but just a reminder that you can always shoot us an email at stapletonarfp@hpd.nyc.gov or call/text 929.475.1382

01:46:38	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Does this affordable housing site include homes to buy?
01:46:42	HPD Housing Ambassador Program:	https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/hpd/downloads/pdfs/services/applying-to-affordable-housing-english.pdf
01:50:24	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	The website
01:54:36	Lissette Mendez-Boyer:	When can CB1 residents begin to apply for affordable housing units for Stapleton Site A, considering this process can take 6 years +?
01:54:46	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Who regulates this website?
01:56:17	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Whether applying for a lease or a mortgage, what entity regulates this process? Where does the funding come from?
02:01:12	Eddy Almonte (HPD):	Sign up and learn more about Housing Connect 2.0 here: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/housing-connect-rentals.page
02:04:35	HPD Housing Ambassador Program:	To express interest in Housing Ambassador funding: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/vendor-contract-opportunities.page
02:05:05	HPD Housing Ambassador Program:	To view our Housing Connect informational guides: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/housing-connect-application-guides.page
02:05:35	Eddy Almonte (HPD):	Learn more about the Stapleton Site A RFP and upcoming opportunities to get involved at our website! https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/stapleton-site-a-get-involved.page
02:05:37	Mr. Gladstone Robinson Jr:	Where can individuals learn more about the Community Land Trust?
02:06:06	mary Bourne:	Great job Uriah!
02:06:10	Tisha W.:	Awesome job! 
02:06:37	Stephanie Shavuo:	Thank you.  Very informative
02:06:39	Michael Sandler (HPD):	https://nyccli.org/ for more info on community land trusts
02:06:42	Kelly Vilar:	Thank you