Executive Order 73

July 27, 2021

Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act and Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities

Download Executive Order 73

WHEREAS, July 2021 marks the 31st anniversary of the passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act;

WHEREAS, nearly one million New Yorkers self-identity as people with disabilities and an estimated six to nine million tourists with disabilities visit the City each year;

WHEREAS, the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities has been a vital City agency for decades and was established by Executive Order 81 of 1973 and renamed via Executive Order 17 of 1990; and

WHEREAS, respect for the disability community and their civil rights is a critical priority to ensure that New York is the fairest and most inclusive big city in America;

NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as the Mayor of the City of New York, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1.  Disability Pride Month. July shall be celebrated as Disability Pride Month annually throughout the City of New York in recognition of the anniversary of the passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, the rights and accomplishments of the disability community, and the vast contributions made by people with disabilities to the City.

§ 2.  Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. There shall continue to be a Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) within the office of the Mayor. The MOPD shall be headed by a Commissioner who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. Under the leadership of the Commissioner, MOPD shall have the power and duty to:

  1. In conjunction with all other City agencies and offices, develop and coordinate City policies relating to all people with disabilities, and oversee the implementation of such policies; 
  2. Act as an advocate for the rights and needs of all people with disabilities; 
  3. Facilitate communication among people with disabilities, the Mayor, public and private agencies, and the community at large; 
  4. Propose City, State, and Federal legislation to address the needs of people with disabilities;
  5. Monitor the City’s compliance with laws concerning the human and civil rights of people with disabilities and work with the appropriate City and non-City entities to rectify issues; 
  6. Coordinate and analyze existing City programs for people with disabilities, develop and promote additional programs, and act as the liaison between the City and public and private agencies, organizations and individuals in the development of programs affecting people with disabilities; 
  7. Oversee the Disability Service Facilitator (DSF) program and coordinate with the DSFs of all City agencies to ensure that they fulfill their responsibilities as set forth in Local Law 27 of 2016; 
  8. Coordinate with the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunication, and all other City agencies and offices, on making City websites and digital products accessible to individuals with disabilities; 
  9. With the cooperation of all other City agencies and offices, develop strategies to increase employment of people with disabilities within City government, and work with outside stakeholders to encourage increased employment of people with disabilities by non-City entities; 
  10. Produce an annual public AccessibleNYC report on the City’s current and planned initiatives, programs, and services for people with disabilities; 
  11. With the cooperation of the Department of City Planning and all other City agencies and offices, compile demographic and statistical data regarding the number of people with disabilities within New York City; 
  12. In coordination with the Mayor’s Office of International Affairs and all other City agencies and offices, promote the City’s interests in relation to people with disabilities with public and private stakeholders around the world; 
  13. Assist people with disabilities through the provision of information and referral services, and by facilitating the resolution of complaints concerning services and the administrative actions of City agencies and others; and 
  14. Locate and utilize funding sources, both public and private, in order to assist in the implementation of the provisions of this Order.

§ 3.  Revocation of Prior Order. Executive Order 17 of 1990 is hereby repealed.

§ 4.  Effective Date: This Order shall take effect immediately.


Bill de Blasio