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Press Releases

April 26, 2012

Contact:, (212) 341-0999

New York City Administration for Children’s Services Takes First Major Step Forward in Accomplishing Bringing Youth Close to Home

Twelve Nonprofit Providers Recommended to Receive Awards To Serve Youth in Non-Secure Placements Close to Home

New York, NY - The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) today announced the provider agencies that have been recommended for an award to deliver non-secure placement services to youth placed by the New York City Family Court in the custody of ACS. The recommended awards are a critical and concrete step forward in the implementation of the Close to Home initiative, which dramatically changes the juvenile justice system by delivering services to youth ranging from community-based programming to limited-secure residential care near their families in New York City.

“We are encouraged and satisfied that the vast majority of providers recommended for an award will have sites in New York City, an important goal of Close to Home,” said ACS Commissioner Ronald E. Richter. “The selection of these providers moves forward our juvenile justice reform efforts to improve the lives of these youth and their families, giving them a chance for a better future in their communities.” Twenty-seven sites are located in New York City and the remaining five sites are immediately outside the City.

The twelve recommended awardees were among 27 proposals received from well regarded, nonprofit providers who have a track record of providing services to New York City youth. The ten recommended awards for general non-secure placement, totaling 241 beds, are all located within New York City. Additional recommended awardees will provide services for specialized juvenile populations in non-secure placements, with 39 beds located just outside of the City, and another 12 beds in the City. ACS will work with those operating sites outside the City to transition them into New York City. Several recommended awardees will operate more than one site; the average number of beds per site across all sites is nine, with some sites having as few as six.

ACS expects to admit the first young people into non-secure placement - which offers structured, residential care for youth placed for committing a delinquent act in a supportive, supervised, and family-like environment - in September 2012. ACS will work closely with providers to ensure services are consistent across all sites, including for example, access to New York City Department of Education schools or schools where youth will receive credits toward graduation.

All recommended contract awards are contingent upon the provider’s completion of the City’s positive responsibility determination.

Earlier this month, ACS released a draft plan on non-secure placement and will accept comments on the plan until May 8, 2012 at 5 p.m. The public may submit comments on the plan in writing (via email at or by mail to Close to Home, C/O Division of Policy Planning and Measurement, 150 William Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10038) or may attend one of two public hearings held in May.

Click here to view the archived Close to Home documents.