The Department offers the following six training modules on the Energy Code in both the PDF and power point formats. The modules are useful for Architects, Engineers, Plan Examiners, Builders, Inspectors, Owners, and others, both in the construction industry and within the Department. The Department encourages interested parties to download the modules, reproduce them without alteration and/or use them for live presentation for educational purposes. The modules may not be used for commercial purposes. These modules, funded through a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, constitute a 2-day live training. The Modules include:
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) offered valuable assistance to firms for specific projects through NYC Metro Area experts after the previous Code update. NYSERDA also had in-person training programs in conjunction with the International Code Council; online trainings for ICC certifications available through the same website.
Check NYSERDA for the most up to date training programs and project assistance.
The United States Department of Energy, the International Code Council, and the New York State Department of State provide substantial information, guidance, and training opportunities on their websites, see links below.