Contract Description: Modular Home Production Services with Associated Delivery and Installation Services
PIN Number: RFB-BID005
Issue Date: March 22nd, 2017
Extra Description (if any)
SLS invites Modular Home vendors who provide construction services and/or components of reconstruction of residential homes via a modular home process to bid on this associated Best Value Procurement. The homestructures are required to complywith local, Federaland Statestatutory requirementsfor grantsunder theUnited StatesDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) disaster recoverygrant program for Hurricane Sandy. SLS is a Construction Management (CM) firm that holds a contract with the NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to oversee home repair projects ranging from relatively moderate rehabilitation to extensive undertakings such as elevating homes and/or reconstruction of homes.
Original Proposed Due Date: April 7th 2017