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April 7th 2017

DDC Professional Development Program: Site Visit to New Branch Library

DDC’s Professional Development Program consists of monthly tours, presentations, trainings and workshops geared to recently hired professionals to ensure the continued growth and education of new employees.  The program also aims to promote cross functional knowledge and collaboration to enhance and improve relationships with peers and provide employees with an understanding of overall DDC program goals.

On Friday, April 7th, Project Manager Justin Mouchayad, Jr., led a tour for 26 recently hired professionals. The tour provided an informative walkthrough of the 22,000-square foot New Branch library which is in Long Island City. Upon its completion, the $30 million project will provide library services for children, teens and adults, as well as provide much needed community space for programming, after school study, and local community events. The site also includes a landscaped plaza which will provide accessibility for the community, and extends to the entrance of Gantry Plaza State Park.  There will also be the construction of a separate structure to accommodate the users and New York State Parks staff of the adjacent Gantry Plaza State Park, as well as landscaping along North 47th Rd. The building section of the new library is open, flowing, and compact, allowing for the most energy-efficient design and the greatest amount of public space, site while also offering magnificent views of the East River and Manhattan Skyline.

DDC Commissioner Feniosky Peña-Mora (center) with DDC STEAM staff and students from Brooklyn Generation School
Newly hired DDC Project Manager Interns tour what is going to be the meeting room on the first floor of the New Branch Library.