We approve, oversee, and inspect the construction of private sewers and private drains to ensure compliance with DEP standards. This section includes requirements, application forms and guidelines for the construction of private sewers and private drains. This information is applicable to property owners, professional engineers and registered Architects. For more general information, visit Water and Sewer Forms.
Rules Governing the Design and Construction of Private Sewers or Private Drains
Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York Chapter 23 applies to Drainage Proposals to address the hydraulic adequacy of proposed private drains, construction plans for private sewers and private drains and permit applications to construct private sewers and private drains.
Local Law 96 amends the New York City Administrative Code to establish the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) as the city datum. In response to the issuance of Local Law 96 and questions from applicants and consultants, DEP issued the following directive to clarify issues regarding the vertical datum with regards to submissions and construction drawings requiring DEP’s review and approval.
Sewer Design Standards
This book includes standards for sewers, manholes, catch basins, precast manholes, precast catch basins and sewer appurtenances. Those standards are used in the design of capital and private sewer projects.
Private Sewer/Drain Plans Checklist
This checklist outlines requirements for the preparation of a Private Sewer/Drain Plan, which is required when proposing to construct a private sewer or private drain. All Private Sewer/Drain Plans must be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect licensed by the State of New York. Approval of a Private Sewer/Drain Plan is required prior to applying for a permit to build a private sewer/drain.
Private Sewer/Drain Application for Permit to Build
Once a Private Sewer/Drain Plan has been approved, this form must be used by the owner of the proposed private sewer/drain to obtain a permit to build a private sewer/drain. The form must be brought to the pre-construction meeting for review and signature by DEP. Afterwards, the form must be submitted to your Borough Water and Sewer Office to obtain permit approval. The following documentation must be provided at the time of permit application:
Private Sewer/Drain Pre-Construction Meeting Checklist
A pre-construction meeting is required after the Private Sewer/Drain Plan has been approved and before construction can begin. Pre-construction meetings must be scheduled at least 15 days prior to initiating construction. The items in the attached checklist must be brought to the pre-construction meeting.
Download the Private Sewer Pre–Construction Meeting Checklist