In collaboration with partner agencies and organizations, the Public Design Commission has developed the Designing New York series, which provides guiding principles and recommendations for the quality design of public spaces.
Recently Published:
Designing New York: Streetscapes for Wellness
Active Design
Active Design: Shaping the Sidewalk Experience
Affordable Housing
Designing New York: Quality Affordable Housing
NYC Interagency Affordable Housing Review Process
NYC Cultural Affairs Percent for Art Program
NYC Cultural Affairs Public Art Resources
Bird-Friendly Buildings
American Bird Conservancy - Resources for Architects, Planners, and Developers
Climate Resiliency and Sustainability
Design and Planning for Flood Resiliency: Guidelines for NYC Parks
NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency - Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines
Planning for Climate Resiliency
Retrofitting Buildings for Flood Risk
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Waterfront Revitalization Program Coastal Zone Boundary Map
Zoning for Coastal Flood Resiliency
Design and Construction Excellence
What is good design?
NYC DDC Design and Construction Excellence
NYC DDC Design and Construction Resources and Publications
NYC DDC Community Presentations
NYC DDC Project Excellence Principles
Maps and Data
NYCity Map - Applicants may find this to be a helpful resource for locating the relevant Community Board and City Council District numbers required on the PDC Application Form for each project.
NYC Planning GIS Maps and Datasets
PDC Quality Affordable Housing Map
Streetscape Design
Newsstand Size and Clearance Requirements
NACTO Urban Street Design Guide
Streetscapes of New York: pocket zine by the NYC Public Design Commission
Pandemic Response:
Urban Design and the Public Realm
The Hidden Wealth of Cities: Creating, Financing, and Managing Public Spaces
NCPC Open to the Public: Rethinking Security & Access in Public Space
NYC Planning Principles of Good Urban Design for New York City