Social Adult Day Care

A social adult day care (SADC) is a structured program that provides functionally impaired older adults with socialization, supervision and monitoring, personal care, and nutrition in a protective setting.

Find a SADC near you

Comments or Complaints

To file a complaint or to inquire about any SADC in New York City, submit a comment or complaint online or call 311.


All SADCs are required to post a sign in plain view that includes the contact information for NYC Aging’s SADC Ombuds Office.

Social Adult Day Care Ombuds Office

Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | اردو s| हिन्दी | ગુજરાતી

Download signs that outline the rights of older adults participating in SADC programs.

SADC Participant Rights

Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | اردو s| हिन्दी | ગુજરાતી


All SADCs are required to register with NYC Aging prior to operating in New York City. SADCs are also required to keep their information up to date. Changes to information must be submitted no later than the effective date of the change. (This requirement is in addition to an annual certification required by the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General.)

Sign in to register or report SADC changes

To help register your site, NYC Aging has created several videos you can view to help you through the process. You can click on the titles below to find them on our YouTube channel.

Standards & Rules

Pursuant to Local Law 9 of 2015, all SADCs operating in New York City must register with the Department for the Aging (“NYC Aging”) and must comply with all other relevant laws and rules, including but not limited to New York State Office for the Aging standards and Local Law 9 of 2015.

Local Law 9 of 2015, codified at Section 21-204 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York (“the Administrative Code”), authorizes and requires NYC Aging to regulate SADC programs.

NYC Aging has promulgated a Rule under the Rules of the City of New York in accordance with Section 21-204 of the Administrative Code. This Rule adds a new Chapter 2 regarding SADCs to Title 69 of the Rules of the City of New York, separated into three new subchapters, as outlined below:

Subchapter 1: Ombudsperson’s Office

  • Section 2-01 Definitions
  • Section 2-02 Filing Complaints
  • Section 2-03 Initial Processing of Complaints
  • Section 2-04 Referring Complaints
  • Section 2-05 Investigating Complaints
  • Section 2-06 Factual Determinations
  • Section 2-07 Appeals of Factual Determinations
  • Section 2-08 Corrective Action Plans and Violations

Subchapter 2: SADC registrations

  • Section 2-21 Registration Requirements
  • Section 2-22 Registration Civil Penalties

Subchapter 3: Penalties

  • Section 2-31 Penalty Schedule

Click here to be linked to the Rule