If you are an applicant or client who can't access DHS-run or DHS-provider run buildings or services because you have a disability, you may ask for a reasonable accommodation(s). For more information on reasonable accommodations, you can review the RAR Flyer.
The RAR Flyer is available in the following languages:
This is a list of the RAR Flyer in multiple languages.
To make a reasonable accommodation request, fill out the DHS-13 Reasonable Accommodation Request Form and give it to the site or Program/Facility Director or a worker who is equal to a director.
The DHS-13 Reasonable Accommodation Request Form is available in the following languages:
This is a list of the DHS-13 Reasonable Accommodation Request Form in multiple languages.
You might be asked to fill out a HIPAA release form with your RA request. If you have questions about the HIPAA, you can review the HIPAA Information Guide Flyer.
The HIPAA Information Guide Flyer is available in the following languages:
This is a list of the HIPAA Information Guide Flyer in multiple languages.
ASL Services for HRA and DHS Clients
ASL Direct is a video phone line for callers who use American Sign Language. You can call to get information about Human Resources Administration (HRA) services like SNAP, Cash Assistance, and Medicaid, or shelter under the Department of Homeless Services (DHS). You can also schedule ASL interpretation services for any HRA-run or DHS-run location. Using your video phone, you can connect with ASL Direct by calling 347-474-4231.
DSS/DHS Website Accessibility Statement
Read the NYC Department of Social Services Website Accessibility Statement in:
Grievances and General Complaints
An individual who has been denied services may request a State Fair Hearing online, by calling 800-3423334, or by walking into the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance at 14 Boerum Place, Brooklyn or 330 West 34th Street, Manhattan.
Applicants and clients with disabilities who feel they have been denied services, may email Disability Affairs disabilityaffairs@dss.nyc.gov, call the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399, or contact or visit the Office of the Ombudsman.
Complaints of Discrimination
Applicants and clients who believe that they have information regarding discriminatory conduct that violates the Citywide EEO policy can review the complaint process on the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) website. Contact DHS' Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity Affairs (DEOA).
If you think you or someone in your family has been discriminated against at DHS because of a disability you may submit a complaint by telephone, letter, or email to: