Promoting proper and frequent hand-washing can help prevent various infections, including MRSA.
Posters help encourage kids to wash their hands when placed near sinks in schools. You can order these posters, “Avoid Infection” (PDF) and “Wash Away Germs” (PDF), by downloading them from the link provided or calling 311.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers should only be used when soap and water are unavailable. They will not adequately disinfect visibly dirty hands
Open cuts or wounds are a common entry point for MRSA and other Staph infections. Remind children and their parents that open cuts or wounds should be covered.
Keep cuts or wounds dry and covered, especially if they are actively draining.
If a child has an infected wound that is oozing pus and cannot be covered, ask a doctor or nurse whether the child should stay home from school or daycare.
Outbreaks of MRSA have occurred in prisons, homeless shelters and military compounds. Close living quarters, poor hygiene, and sharing of personal items such as towels and unwashed bedding can lead to outbreaks. Providing individual hygiene items, discouraging sharing and teaching proper wound care can help reduce infection in these settings.
Please report any cluster of three or more MRSA cases to the New York City Health Department by calling (212) 788-9830.