New York City is one of the most diverse cities in the world, and the news publications its residents read and consume reflect that diversity. The Mayor's Office of Ethnic and Community Media (MOECM) promotes City services and programs through partnerships with a diverse array of media outlets and CBOs/Nonprofits that serve people across the five boroughs.
The MOECM, the first Mayoral Office of its kind in the United States, was established by Local Law 83 of 2021, which requires that each mayoral agency shall seek to direct at least fifty percent of its total spending on advertising to Ethnic and Community Media (ECM) outlets.
The MOECM facilitates connections between Ethnic and Community Media outlets, and City agencies, and Mayoral offices; advises the Mayor on communicating information to the public; oversees the Local Law 83 ECM advertising spending requirement; manages the citywide marketing directory, and publishes an annual report on advertising spending by Mayoral Agencies for the Mayor, the Speaker and the public.
Ethnic and Community Media outlets are defined as newspapers, websites, and broadcast media outlets that serve communities of people based on factors like native language, race, color, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability or immigrant status; and target discrete neighborhoods, geographic regions, or populations within the city rather than the city as a whole.