
Fair Fares Access-A-Ride

Use Your Fair Fares NYC Discount on Access-A-Ride!

Note: You must be enrolled in Fair Fares NYC to receive a discount on Access-A-Ride trips. You can see if you are eligible for FFNYC and apply by going to

If you enroll in FFNYC, you can get 50% off Access-A-Ride (AAR) paratransit trips!

If your application is approved, you will be able to use the FFNYC discount on Access-a-Ride on trips booked starting 3 calendar days after the MTA verifies that you are an Access-A-Ride customer.

If you are already an FFNYC customer enrolled in Access-A-Ride, you can activate the Access-A-Ride discount by logging in to 

Once your Access-A-Ride and FFNYC accounts are linked, you will only pay half-fare for all Access-A-Ride trips you take (as long as you remain eligible for both programs).

Learn more about Access-A-Ride (AAR) services and how to apply

Note: Access-A-Ride vehicles will not accept your Fair Fares NYC OMNY Card (FFOC). Activating the Access-A-Ride discount will remove the FFNYC discount from your existing FFOC. If your Access-A-Ride enrollment ends, you can ask to get your Fair Fares discount back.

Read the Fair Fares NYC Access-A-Ride FAQ 

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