May 12, 2023
New York, NY – New York City Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) Commissioner Manuel Castro released a series of 18 informational videos in English and Spanish to help asylum seekers navigate the federal immigration system.
The videos cover important topics that asylum seekers will need to know as part of their immigration case, including the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), how to update an address with federal agencies, understanding immigration documents, and what to expect at ICE and immigration court appointments.
Since last spring, over 65,000 asylum seekers have come through New York City and have been offered a place to stay, and over 39,400 asylum seekers are currently in the city's care.
"Over the last year, we've moved mountains to help the more than 65,000 asylum seekers who have arrived in New York City, and with the release of these new, informational videos in English and Spanish, asylum seekers will be better informed and equipped to manage the many complex immigration issues they encounter," said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. "These videos will help teach asylum seekers about what forms to fill out and how to advocate for themselves as they navigate the next chapter of their journey."
"With the arrival of many asylum seekers to New York City since last spring, it is more important than ever for basic legal information about key topics to be accessible anytime and easily to our newest New Yorkers," said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom. "These legal information videos are here to help newly arrived individuals and families better understand and navigate the complex U.S. immigration system."
"With a shortage of legal services and legal providers being overwhelmed, this administration is taking a proactive stance to ensure asylum seekers have the information they need to understand their immigration case and our legal system," said Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro. "With these informational videos, New York City continues to lead the way to ensure immigrant communities have the tools to decide their next steps."
These videos will be shared on various social media channels, as well as played at emergency shelters, Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRCs), and other locations. To access these videos, New Yorkers can see them here.
Since the beginning of this humanitarian crisis, New York City has — largely on its own — taken fast and urgent action to manage the arrival of a rapidly increasing number of buses across New York City. To date, the City has opened 130 emergency shelters and eight currently operating humanitarian relief centers already, standing up a navigation center to connect asylum seekers with critical resources, enrolling children in public schools through Project Open Arms, and now releasing a series of legal service videos.