Community Board 1 (CB1) is one of New York 's 59 community boards. We are an advisory body with a formal role designated by the City Charter in matters such as land use, determining local budget priorities, and monitoring City service delivery.
CB1 has 50 volunteer members who live or work in Lower Manhattan. Members are appointed by the Manhattan Borough President with half recommended by the City Council Member representing the 1st Council District.
Members serve on various committees with focuses on specific issues relevant to Lower Manhattan. Committee and full Board meetings are generally held monthly, and meetings are open to the public. View our agendas for upcoming Community Board meetings.
There are many opportunities to get involved with CB1. You can apply to the Manhattan Borough President's Office for membership. Public membership is also possible for people who regularly attend CB1 committee meetings. Lastly, there is a Public Session at the start of every full Board meeting where the public can sign up to speak on any topic.