NYCHA monitors and enforces contractors’ and subcontractors’ obligation to pay the Prevailing Wage. Contractor workers who believe they have been underpaid should file the Prevailing Wage Complaint form.
For questions concerning Prevailing Wages, contact NYCHA’s Office of Contract Compliance, Department of Equal Opportunity, at: 1-888-NYCHA-PW (1-888-692-4279).
The Housing Authority requires that contractors and subcontractors that perform Housing Authority contracts comply with federal, state and city employment and labor laws and applicable regulations related to prevailing wages, including:
When a contractor performs an Authority contract, it is required to pay its employees who perform work on the contract wages and supplemental benefits no less than the applicable prevailing wage. The contractor is also required to ensure that its subcontractors comply with EEO and prevailing wage requirements. These are some of the requirements:
The poster (in 11” x 17” format) and the sign-in sheet (in 3-part NCR carbonless) should be available in the development office. Please contact OCC if you are having difficulties obtaining the poster or sign-in sheet.
OCC’s Contract Compliance Officers conduct site visits in order to determine compliance with prevailing wage and equal employment opportunity laws. The Officers interview workers and review records such as Payrolls, Daily Inspection Reports, Development Logs, and other documents to determine if an investigation of potential violations is warranted. The contractor is required to provide, upon request, proof satisfactory to the Authority that it and its subcontractors are meeting the obligations to the workers of this contract, including, but not limited to proof that workers are receiving the prevailing wage and proof of the efforts to hire minority and women.
A violation of the contractual or statutory requirements may constitute a material breach of the contract, which may result in suspension of the work, termination of the contract for default and/or a finding of non-responsibility with respect to awarding of future Authority contracts. Investigations that determine that a contractor has underpaid the prevailing wage result in monies being withheld from the contractor, for subsequent payment to the worker, as well as for administrative costs of the prevailing wage investigation.
Standard Purchase Orders requested for services at the various developments will include a blank Statement of Services document (see attached). It will be sent in the email with t he Standard Purchase Order - but as a separate attachment. To access this form please click on the that is attached with the purchase order. Once you have completed the work that was authorized, you will be required to fill out and sign the Statement of Services and provide it to the NYCHA personnel that is responsible for inspecting your work. NYCHA personnel will use this Statement of Services to inspect and accept the work you have performed. All invoices for Standard Purchase Orders or Blanket Releases (Requirement Contracts) for services at the various developments must include the Work Order Number given to you by NYCHA personnel. A Work Order is required for all work you perform at the development.