Flexible Spending Accounts Program

Please note that the goal amounts indicated in this video are effective for Plan Year 2024.

Worksheets and Calculators


  • The worksheets are designed to assist you in estimating your annual dependent care and health care expenses for the FSA Plan Year.
  • When estimating your expenses, be conservative. Keep in mind the “Use It or Lose It” rule. (Federal regulations require that you use the entire amount in your DeCAP or HCFSA account by the end of each Plan Year (December 31st). If you do not use the entire amount you allocate to your DeCAP or HCFSA account, you forfeit the unused balance. This is referred to as the "Use It or Lose It" rule.)
  • The worksheets can help you determine how much to contribute to your DeCAP or HCFSA account by comparing your projected Plan Year's expenses to your prior year's actual expenses.


  • The calculators will help you in estimating your potential tax savings.
  • By entering your tax withholding and paycheck information, you will be able to compare your tax savings with and without a DeCAP or HCFSA account.

Dependent Care Assistance Program

DeCAP Worksheet

DeCAP Calculator

Healthcare Flexible Spending Account Program

HCFSA Worksheet

HCFSA Calculator