The City of New York offers its employees opportunities to become pension members through various systems. Your title and agency determine which pension plan covers you.
Pension contributions are not included in gross income for federal tax purposes until they are distributed as a benefit payment. However, you still pay your Social Security, Medicare, and state and local taxes. When you retire, you pay only federal taxes, but not New York State or local taxes, on your benefit payments.
Loans taken out against your pension are paid back through deductions from your pay for the period and amounts agreed upon.
Employees who "buy back" time can elect to pay the buy-back through payroll deductions.
Pension plan rules, costs, rights, and retirement benefits for NYC employees vary from plan to plan. See the specific pension plan websites below for more details.
NYCERS is the largest of the five pension systems within New York City. NYCERS covers most civilian employees or employees who are not eligible to participate in retirement plans for specific uniformed agencies and educational institutions.
Learn more at NYCERS.
BERS provides retirement benefits for employees of the City and School District of New York other than those who may retire under the provisions of other retirement laws in addition to provisional and part-time employees of the Board of Education and other covered employers.
Get more information at BERS.
The New York City Fire Pension Fund is for the City's firefighters and fire officers.
Find out more here.
For more details, please call 929-436-0099.
The covers over 39,000 police officers of New York City.
Find out more from the NYCPPF.
TRS membership is available to educators who work for the Department of Education of the City of New York, the City University of New York (CUNY) and New York City Charter Schools.
More information is available at TRS.