Archives of the Mayor's Press Office

Date: July 11, 1997

Release #413-97

Contact: Colleen Roche or Dwight Wiliiams (212) 788-2958


Remarks by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani at Public Hearing on Local Laws

The next bill before me, Introductory Number 990, sponsored by Council Member Foster, Speaker Vallone and eight of their colleagues, would add, through the posting of an additional sign, the name "Jonathan M. Levin Way" to East 172nd Street between Sheridan Avenue and Morris Avenue, in the Bronx.

Jonathan M. Levin was born on May 6, 1966 in Flushing, Queens to Carol and Gerald Levin. He attended Shelter Rock Elementary School and Manhasset Jr./Sr. High School in Manhasset, New York. He continued his education at Trinity College in Connecticut, graduating in 1988.

In 1993, Mr. Levin began teaching English at William Howard Taft High School in the Bronx and entered the graduate teaching program at New York University's School of Education, from which he received his Master of Arts Degree in May of 1995. He was immensely popular at Taft High School, where students referred to him as a father figure and a friend because they believed that their thoughts, feelings and futures truly mattered to him.

Tragically, Jonathan Levin was murdered at the age of 31. He is survived by his parents, his stepmother Barbara Levin, his brothers, Leon and Michael, and his sisters, Laura and Anna.

As an inspiration to students and teachers throughout the City, it is fitting to name East 172nd Street between Sheridan Avenue and Morris Avenue, in front of William Howard Taft High School, "Jonathan M. Levin Way."

I will first turn to the bill's sponsors and then to any other elected official wishing to be heard.

There being no one else to be heard, and for the reasons stated previously, I will now sign this bill.

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