
Minor adjustments have been made to the appearance of Bootstrap cards. Borders and and background shades that in .card, .card-header, and .card-footer are turned of by default.

This customization is found in scss/_f-layout-elements.scss in L. Cards. You can revert to Bootstraps default behavior by setting $default-card-borders to or $backgrounds to false.

                                    $default-card-borders: true;
                                    $default-card-backgrounds: true;

                                    @if $default-card-borders == false {

                                        .card-footer {
                                            border: none;


                                    @if $default-card-backgrounds == false {
                                        .card-footer {
                                            background-color: transparent;


Alternatively, you can add borders back into cards using Bootstrap's border utilities. This method can be particularly advantageous when prototyping because you can create different looks for cards individually.

Card Header

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sequi accusamus.

Card Header

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sequi accusamus.