Design-Build at NYC DOT

Design-Build combines design and construction into one contract awarded to a single team of one or more firms. It encourages increased collaboration and cooperation between designers and builders, resulting in a more efficient, and often faster-paced, project delivery. This process is different from the City’s traditional method of awarding separate design and construction contracts.

Design-Build allows us to:

  • Streamline decision-making
  • Facilitate more transparent partnerships with stakeholders, designers and contractors
  • Increase the quality of project delivery
  • Create pathways to increased innovation and sustainable solutions

Best-Value Selection

Design-Build is a two-step qualifications-based procurement process to select a single team of designers and builders to work on a project from start to finish. The Design-Build vendor selection process prioritizes experience, qualifications, management approach, and technical solutions, combined with price, to arrive at the best value.

Two-Step Procurement Process

Through this process, we seek proposals that meet or exceed project requirements.

Step One

A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) creates a short-list of teams that have both the qualifications and experience (Statement of Qualifications or SOQ) to deliver a successful project.

A timeline for Design-Builds first step in the procurement process. Beginning with RFQ development, then RFQ industry review, then RFQ solicitation, ending with SOQ evaluation.

Step Two

A Request for Proposal (RFP) invites the short-listed teams to submit competitive proposals that offer the best solution for the project. NYC DOT awards the contract to the team that submitted the proposal offering the best value.

A timeline for Design-Builds second step in the procurement process. Beginning with RFP development, then draft RFP review, then RFP solicitation, then proposal evaluation, ending with award.

Partnering and Risk Allocation

NYC DOT understands the importance of input from experienced members of the Design-Build community. We partner with teams of "Owner's Representatives" from the private sector, who supplement and support the staff in our Design-Build program. 

Throughout the life of a project, the partnership between the Design-Builder and NYC DOT is valued and maintained through processes that facilitate transparent and efficient communication. Project risks are discussed and allocated through workshops that bring together the interests of all parties, including NYC DOT, project stakeholders, and the Design-Builder. 

Innovation and Sustainability

NYC DOT encourages innovative and sustainable solutions by drafting project requirements that are shaped by the agency's highest social, environmental, and economic ideals. We seek proposed solutions that encompass new ideas, processes, materials, and designs. Solutions that offer the City the most vibrant design and construction options, while considering the full life cycle of a project.

Commitment to Minority and Women-Owned Business

NYC DOT's Design-Build program continues the agency's commitment to Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs). The Design-Build program values teams that have a proven history of bringing together and hiring the most qualified certified M/WBE's. NYC DOT also helps connect Design-Builders with M/WBE's through workshops and pre-proposal meetings.

Design-Build Projects

All contracting activities with the City of New York take place in one centralized procurement system: PASSPort, the City's digital Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal. To view contracting opportunities, visit the PASSPort Public Portal.

Current Design-Build Projects

Project Name PIN RFP Release Date Anticipated NTP
Design-Build: Flood Proofing at Staten Island Ferry Terminal & Ferry Maintenance Facilities 84122I0001 June 2023 August 2024
Design-Build: Belt Shore Parkway over Sheepshead Bay Road, Ocean Avenue, Bedford Avenue, & Nostrand Avenue 84123I0001 Spring 2025 Winter 2026

Upcoming Projects

Project Name Anticipated RFQ Release Anticipated NTP
Design-Build: East 183rd & East 188th Street Over Metro-North Railroad Summer 2025 Fall 2026

Key terms:

  • PIN: Project Identification Number
  • RFQ: Request for Qualifications
  • RFP: Request for Proposal
  • NTP: Notice to Proceed
  • RLOI: Request Letter of Intent


Design-Build Industry Day Presentation April 2023 Design-Build Soft Launch Design-Build Soft Launch Presentation (YouTube) Women's Builders Council Presentation Mayor Adam's Statement on Adopted State Budget Mayor de Blasio Celebrates Role of ‘Design-Build' Innovation in Speeding and Streamlining Capital Projects New York State Assembly Bill A7636B City of New York Design-Build Program 2022 Progress Report City of New York Design-Build Program 2021 Progress Report