Bicycle Parking
NYC DOT provides free, short-term bike parking to keep our city moving. NYC DOT installs bike racks on the sidewalk or in the roadway.
Please limit parking time on a rack to seven consecutive days or less to make room for your neighbors.
Bike Parking Map
Find bike parking locations on the Bicycle Racks Map and on NYC Open Data.
Suggest Bike Parking
We invite the public to suggest bike parking locations on the sidewalk or in the roadway.
Suggest a bike parking location
Bike parking in the roadway is a great solution for places where demand exceeds available sidewalk space. Bike parking in the roadway includes pavement markings and flexible posts.

Community Partners for Bike Parking in the Roadway
Community partners support bike parking in the roadway. They maintain planters, sweep debris and report issues and damage.
Interested in being a community partner? Apply below.
Report a Bike Rack Issue
NYC DOT maintains, repairs, and replaces damaged bike racks.
Report a damaged bike rack via NYC 311
Abandoned Bikes
The City defines an abandoned bike as a usable bike that is locked to a public bike rack for more than seven consecutive days.
Report an abandoned bike via NYC 311
When NYC DOT receives reports of abandoned bikes, NYC DOT or partners tag the reported bikes. If a tag remains on a bike for longer than seven days, NYC DOT or partners move the bike to the NYPD 72nd Precinct in Brooklyn. NYPD then transfers the bike to the NYPD Property Clerk to store for 30 days. If you believe NYC DOT removed your bike, contact the 72nd Precinct with the location where your bike was parked. NYPD will provide guidance on retrieving your bike. Bike owners are responsible for retrieving their bikes from the NYPD Property Clerk.

Derelict Bikes
The NYC Department of Sanitation removes derelict bikes that meet two of the characteristics below:
- bike appears to be crushed or not otherwise usable
- bike is missing essential parts, such as handlebars, one or more pedals, rear wheel, or bike chain
- handlebars, pedals, spokes, frames, or rims are damaged or bent
- 50% or more of the bike is rusted, including parts like the frame, handlebars, and pedals, as well as the bike chain attaching it to public property
Report a derelict bike to NYC 311

Items Other than Bikes
NYPD removes property other than bikes locked to bike racks.
Report items other than bikes locked to public property to the local NYPD precinct
Other Bike Parking Options
Bike Parking Shelters
Bike shelters protect bikes from the rain. Each shelter contains four bike racks.Find bike shelter locations via NYC Open Data.

Bikes in Buildings
Under NYC’s Bikes in Buildings tenants of commercial office buildings may request bike access to their offices.