Time: 1:00 pm
Microsoft Teams Meeting Registration
The Board wants to hear from you! The Board welcomes suggested questions from the public to the Department of Correction and Correctional Health Services regarding the January 16 meeting agenda topics. Questions must be submitted before 5:00 PM on Friday, January 10, 2025.
Members of the public can submit questions to boc@boc.nyc.gov.
The Board will only consider questions regarding the January 16 meeting agenda items. Off-topic questions or questions submitted after the January 10 deadline will not be considered. Please note that questions submitted by the public are suggestions to Board members. The Board cannot guarantee that your questions will be asked by Board members during the meeting.
Suggested questions are separate from written comments. The Board continues to welcome written comments prior to or after the meeting. Written comments can be emailed to boc@boc.nyc.gov.
In-person Location: 125 Worth Street, Second Floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10013
Join our in-person meeting at 125 Worth Street, Second Floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10013. Registration is not required for in-person attendance. If you are interested in speaking during the public comment periods, you will have the option to sign-up immediately upon entering the auditorium. Participants will testify according to the order in which they sign-up. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per attendee. Additionally, the Board welcomes written comments prior to or after the meeting. Written comments can be emailed to boc@boc.nyc.gov.
125 Worth Street’s wheelchair accessible entrance is on Lafayette Street. Additionally, there are accessible bathrooms on the second floor of the building.
If you need a reasonable accommodation or language interpreter, please email boc@boc.nyc.gov or call 212-669-7900 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
If you would like to speak during the public comment sections of the meeting, please go to our Microsoft Teams Meeting Registration and indicate this on the registration form. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language interpreter, please indicate this on the registration form. Once you fill out the form, you will be emailed a calendar invite along with an embedded link to 'Join Event'.
Public meetings are accessible via telephone by dialing 646-893-7101. You will be prompted to enter an access code. The access code is 204 757 71#. Additionally, the Board welcomes written comment prior to or after the meeting. Written comments can be emailed to boc@boc.nyc.gov.
People currently in DOC custody can submit public comment to be replayed at Board meetings by calling and leaving a voicemail at 212-266-4320 (English) or 212-266-4321 (Spanish) at least one week before the Board meeting. This is not the Board’s general complaint line. To submit complaints regarding jail conditions, people in custody and their community can call 212-669-7900.
Portions of the testimony that identify the callers (names or Book and Case numbers), other persons in custody, or DOC, CHS or BOC staff will be redacted to maintain confidentiality and the anonymity of the caller. Only one (1) message per caller will be played at each Board meeting. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per caller.
Please call the Board of Correction at 212-669-7900 or email boc@boc.nyc.gov to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the public meeting.
The Board welcomes written comments prior to or after the meeting. Written comments can be emailed to boc@boc.nyc.gov.