Local Law 154: Building Electrification 

To further the City’s goals of reducing carbon emissions and improving local air quality, Local Law 154 of 2021 (LL154) prohibits the onsite combustion of fuels that emit more than 25kg CO2/MMBtu in new construction.

The law phases out the usage of fossil fuels in new buildings for space heating and service hot water (Service HW). This also impacts appliances such as domestic cooking ranges and clothes dryers.

Covered Buildings

The law applies to buildings that submit applications for New Buildings or Alt-CO New Buildings with Existing Elements to Remain (alterations that must be filed as New Buildings).

These buildings are required to comply based on the filing date of the initial GC application, as follows:

  • January 1, 2024: Group R-3 (1- and 2-family homes), and all occupancies less than 7 stories tall (excluding Service HW)
  • December 31, 2024: NYC School Construction Authority projects
  • December 31, 2025: Affordable Housing* less than 7-stories tall (excluding Service HW)
  • July 2, 2027: All occupancies (includes Service HW)
  • December 31, 2027: Affordable Housing* 7-stories or taller (includes Service HW)

*50% or more of the units are subject to a regulatory agreement, restrictive declaration, or similar instrument with a federal, state, or local governmental entity or instrumentality for the creation or preservation of affordable housing.


Exceptions under this law include:

  • buildings used by a regulated utility for energy generation
  • buildings operated by DEP for treatment of sewage or food waste
  • specific spaces within buildings in which fossil fuels are necessary for:
    • manufacturing use or purpose
    • laboratories
    • laundromats
    • hospitals and crematoria
    • commercial kitchens
    • emergency or standby power.


If the new building application does not comply with Local Law 154, “the commissioner shall not approve the application for the approval of construction documents, nor issue any permit in connection therewith.”

Contact for Questions

For any questions, please email sustainability@buildings.nyc.gov.

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