Workforce1 Career Discovery NYC: The City of New York is committed to helping New Yorkers start great paying careers in the construction trades through Career Discovery NYC. Workforce1 partners with four (4) training organizations that offer pre-apprenticeships with direct entry to the unionized construction industry. The first step to enroll in a pre-apprenticeship is to attend an information session. Interested individuals should complete a brief survey. Workforce1 will follow up with details for qualified candidates about the training, starting the application process, and the Information Sessions this Fall. See program information sheetfor more info.
Workforce1 Virtual Site Safety Training: Looking for a career in the construction industry? The Upper Manhattan Workforce1 Career Center offers the full 40 hours of Virtual Site Safety Training AT NO COST. They also offer 10 hours of Virtual Site Safety Training for those individuals who already have a valid 30 Hour OSHA credential, AT NO COST.
Construction Skills: This is a City funded pre-apprenticeship program that links graduates to the building and construction trade unions. Year roundopportunities are also available!