Most HPD set-aside units do not need safety clearance or a walk-through from DHS, but some may need it. If needed, DHS will complete the safety clearance and DHS or your provider will complete the walk-through.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documents and submit them to HPD, who will send them to DHS. They will be added to DSS's Current system.
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. This includes the CityFHEPS Program Participant Agreement, , your shopping letter, your tenant contact information form, and documentation confirming your income. The shelter will send your documents to DHS to be added to Current.
DHS will review the documents and HRA will review the documents.
HRA will issue the rent payment to the landlord electronically (unless they request a paper check). Then there will be a lease signing and furniture funds will be sent to your EBT card if you are eligible.
Get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS DHS process for an HPD lottery unit through Housing Connect
Many HPD lottery units do not need clearance or a walk-through from DHS, but some may need it. If needed, DHS will complete the safety clearance and DHS or your provider will complete the walk-through.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documents and give them to you or your shelter provider
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. This includes the CityFHEPS Program Participant Agreement , your shopping letter, your tenant contact information form ,and documentation confirming your income. Your shelter will send them to DHS with the landlord forms.
DHS and HRA will review the documents.
HRA will issue the rent check to DHS. Your shelter will pick up the checks and you will receive furniture funds on your EBT card if you are eligible and schedule a lease signing.
Get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS DHS Process for a Market Apartment
DHS will do a clearance review of your housing unit to make sure it meets legal requirements.
DHS or your shelter provider will conduct a walkthrough of your housing unit. This may be in-person or virtual.
The landlord and/or broker must complete their CityFHEPS documentation and submit it to your shelter, who will add them to the Current system.
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. This includes the participation agreement, , and documentation confirming your income. Your shelter will add your documents to Current.
DHS and HRA will review the documents.
HRA will issue the rent checks and broker's fee (if applicable) to DHS. Your shelter will pick up the checks and you will receive furniture funds on your EBT card if you are eligible and schedule a key exchange.
Get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS HRA DV Process for an HPD set-aside unit
Most HPD set-aside units do not need clearance or a walk-through from HRA, but some may need it.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documentation and submit it to HPD, who will share it with DHS.
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. They will share it with DHS. This includes the CityFHEPS Program Participant Agreement
DVS adds the shopping letter and the tenant contact information form to the CURRENT application and documentation confirming your income. The shelter will send the documents to DVS.
DVS will add the documents to the Current system.
DV Housing Unit will review the documents.
the rent payment will be issued to the landlord through CURRENT- presently, payments are issued by check in the mail and your will receive furniture funds on your EBT card if you are eligible.
A move out is arranged once the LL receives payment – get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS HRA DV Process for an HPD lottery unit
Many HPD lottery units do not need clearance or a walk-through from HRA, but some may need it.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documentation and submit it to the shelter, who will add them to the Current system.
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. This includes CityFHEPS participation agreement, , your shopping letter, your tenant contact information form and documentation confirming your income. The shelter will add your documents to Current.
Your shelter will send the documents to DHS, who will add them to the Current system.
ODVS will review the documents.
HRA/ODVS will issue the rent payment and your will receive furniture funds on your EBT card if you are eligible. Payments will be sent to the address of record for the landlord/broker and moveout is arranged once the LL receives payment
Get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS HRA DV Process for a Market Apartment
HRA will do a clearance review of your housing unit to make sure it meets legal requirements.
HRA will conduct a walkthrough of your housing unit.
The landlord and/or broker must complete their CityFHEPS documentation and submit it to the shelter, who will add them to the Current system.
Complete your documentation and submit it to your shelter. This includes the CityFHEPS participation agreement, your tenant contact information and documentation confirming your income. Your shelter will add the documents to Current.
HRA will review the documents.
HRA will issue the rent checks and broker's fee (if applicable). Your will receive furniture funds on your EBT card if you are eligible. Your shelter will pick up the checks and schedule a lease signing.
Get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS process for staying in your current housing
Your provider will conduct a safety and habitability review of your housing.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documents, including a new lease (when required and submit them to the provider.
Complete your CityFHEPS documents, including the CityFHEPS participation form, your tenant contact form and documentation of your rent arrears, and submit them to your provider.
The provider will submit your CityFHEPS package in Current for to HRA for review.
HRA will issue your checks, which will be picked up by the provider.
CityFHEPS Community Process for an HPD Lottery Apartment
Many HPD lottery units do not need clearance or a walkthrough, but some may need it. If needed, DHS will complete the safety clearance and DHS or your provider will complete the walk-through.
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documents and submit them to the provider.
Complete your CityFHEPS documents, including the CityFHEPS Program Participant Agreement, your tenant contact form and and submit them to your provider.
The provider will review the documents and enter them into Current.
HRA will review the documents.
The checks will be issued for the provider to pick up.
Schedule a key exchange and get ready to move in!
CityFHEPS Community Process for a Market Apartment
DHS will do a safety clearance review of your housing unit to make sure it meets legal requirements.
The provider or DHS will conduct a walkthrough of your housing unit
The landlord must complete their CityFHEPS documents and submit them to the provider.
Complete your CityFHEPS documents, the CityFHEPS Program Participant Agreement, your tenant contact form and and submit them to your provider.
The provider will review the documents and submit them into Current
HRA will review the documents
The checks will be issued for the provider to pick up.