Transfer Data between Rounds of an RFx
When agencies make significant changes to an RFx, like modifying the scope, a new round is issued in PASSPort.
Review the RFx changes in the New Round Addenda. If you intend to participate in the new round, submit a new response in the updated round, as responses from previous rounds will not be considered.
To make responding to a new round faster and easier, follow these steps on how to transfer data (by duplicating it) from your original RFx response(s) or a previous round to the latest round:
- In PASSPort Central, click RFx and select Browse My RFx Responses from the drop-down menu.
- Click the pencil icon to access the new round (indicated by the Released RFx status).
You will automatically be brought to the View RFx screen.
If the procurement requires acknowledgement, click the I acknowledge receipt of this RFx button.
If the procurement does not require an acknowledgement, skip to step 5.
- Click the green Valid button.
- Click the Close button and select Duplicate Response from the drop-down.
A List of Responses window will display.
- In the Round field, check to make sure the round from which you would like to transfer data displays. The latest round will display by default.
Click the x to remove Canceled or In Progress RFx responses, narrowing search results to show only Submitted responses.
Note: If you are looking to duplicate a proposal that you started but did not yet submit (a draft response) in the previous round, then select In Progress in the Status search field instead. After you select the filters, click the Search button. Then, select the checkbox on the left-hand side of the proposal you want to duplicate and click the duplicate icon on the right-hand side.
After you select the filters, click the Search button.
Only Submitted status RFx responses should now display.
- Scroll to the right using the scroll bar at the bottom of the window.
- Click the Duplicate icon for the submitted RFx response you’re looking to duplicate.
- A message will pop-up asking you to confirm that this is the specific proposal you want to duplicate. Select the OK button to proceed.
- You will then be brought back to the View RFx screen. Click the Manage Responses tab on the left to view the copy of the proposal you duplicated.
- The duplicated RFx response now displays with an In Progress submission status. To work on and submit the new round response, click the pencil icon next to the proposal.
Complete and submit your response. For instructions, refer to the Respond to RFx guide.