
Disability Pride NYC Parade 2024

The parade will take place on Sunday, October 20th.

10:00 AM: Parade line-up at Madison Square Park.
Specific line-up information will be sent to the email address registered with the parade organizers.

10:45 AM: Parade organizers, several citywide elected officials, and Grand Marshals will make remarks for the press. As the greater parade-going community will be lined up for the parade at this time, the program will be repeated at 12:15 PM in Union Square.

11 AM: Parade's start time.
The route begins at Madison Square Park and proceeds down Broadway to Union Square Park, where participants can gather and celebrate Disability Pride!

Along the parade route:

  • There is a Community Viewing Area on Broadway between 21st and 22nd Street for people who are not marching. 200 folding chairs are available on a first-come, first-served basis and must be reserved in advance. Sign-up is within the parade registration form.
  • Judges review stand, Broadway between 21st and 22nd street.
    Awards will be given for:
    Best Float
    Best Performance (performed while continuing to move down the street)
    Best Costumes
    Most Spirit

12:00 PM Community gathering begins in Union Square Park
Tabling by organizations, corporations, and city agencies, as well as performances and community engagement activities. 

12 PM - 3 PM Program in Union Square

12:10 PM Remarks by parade organizers, several citywide elected officials, and Grand Marshals.
When finalized, a detailed announcement of this program will be on this webpage. The program will also be sent to groups and individuals who have registered.

For more information about the 2024 Disability Pride NYC Parade, please visit the event website