
General Legal Resources

City Commission on Human Rights Discrimination Complaints

The Commission on Human Rights enforces the New York City Human Rights Law and protects people who have experienced discrimination. They also assist folks in the process of negotiating reasonable accommodations in the areas of housing, employment, public services etc. For general questions, call the main number. To file a complaint, call the number for scheduling appointments.

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New York State Division of Human Rights

Under the Human Rights Law in New York, every citizen has an "equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life." This law protects you from discrimination in areas such as employment, education, credit, and purchasing or renting a home or commercial space based on your race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, age, marital status, domestic violence victim status, disability, pregnancy-related condition, predisposing genetic characteristics or prior arrest or conviction record, familial status, retaliation for opposing unlawful discriminatory practices.

If someone feels they have been discriminated against they can file a complaint with the Division of Human Rights. Once a complaint is filed, the Division of Human Rights will investigate and may present the case in a public hearing.

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ADA complaint with Department of Justice

You can file an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint alleging disability discrimination against a State or local government or a public accommodation (including, for example, a restaurant, doctor's office, retail store, hotel, etc.) online, by mail, or fax.

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Tenant Harassment Taskforce

The Mayor and Attorney General have created a taskforce to fight tenant harassment. Fill out the Tenant Harassment form and mail it to the Attorney General's office.

Phone: 800-771-7755

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Disability Rights New York

Disability Rights New York (DRNY) provides legal assistance to individuals with disabilities. DRNY’s mission is to protect and advance the rights of adults and children who have disabilities so that they freely exercise their own life choices, enforce their rights, and fully participate in community life. DRNY carries out this mission in a number of ways: through advocacy, coalition building, litigation and public information. Additionally, DRNY provides technical support to other advocates for people with disabilities in New York. This assistance is provided through a combination of the following nine programs: PAIMI (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness), PADD (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities), PAIR (Protection and Advocacy of Individuals Rights, including the rights of individuals with physical disabilities), PABSS (Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security, SSDI or SSI), PATBI (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury), PAVA (Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access), PAAT (Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology), CAP (Client Assistance Program, Protection and Advocacy for Individuals Receiving or Applying for Vocational Rehabilitation Services) and Rep Payee (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals Receiving Social Security Benefits through a Representative Payee).

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Pro-Bono Resources

Legal Aid Society

Pro-bono legal services.

City Bar Justice Center

Provides a hotline, no actual legal representation provided.

Queens Volunteer Lawyers Project, Inc.

Monday through Friday 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM

Legal Services NYC

Tenant/landlord issues.

Cardozo Law School

Provides a legal clinic.

New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)

Legal services on wheels - Bringing free legal services to your community. Our innovative legal help van brings lawyers into local communities that have historically been underserved. For many populations, such as people who are geographically isolated, people with disabilities, and survivors of intimate partner violence, access to high quality free legal services can be out of reach.

By traveling to meet individuals in their communities, NYLAG promotes access to and trust in the justice system.  

The NYLAG attorneys bring justice to communities. They offer the following legal services on the van:

  • Assisting with immigration issues, including citizenship, green cards, and asylum
  • Fighting to preserve safe, affordable housing
  • Working with survivors of intimate partner violence on orders of protection, custody, and divorce
  • Advocating for workers earning low wages in matters of discrimination, wage underpayment, unemployment insurance, and disability and pregnancy accommodations
  • Helping individuals who fall victim to consumer fraud, debt, and identity theft get access to financial counseling
  • Assisting with estate planning, including wills, health care proxies, and powers of attorney
  • Maintaining public benefits

They can be contact via telephone at 212-613-5000

Information on the NYLAG Mobile Legal Help Center
NYLAG’s Website

New York County Lawyers Association

Pro-bono services.

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