Nutrition Kitchen

Nutrition Kitchen

FAQs  |  Volunteer/Donate

Nutrition Kitchen (food pantry) will be available to the community as scheduled. For more information, please see the expanded hours below.

Nutrition Kitchen Times

Download the flyer!

Food, rent and utilities are expensive. And, many New Yorkers struggle to feed their families. That’s why the Department of Probation has opened five NeON Nutrition Kitchens throughout the city. When you visit a NeON Nutrition Kitchen, you’ll get free, nutritious groceries and great service from our friendly staff.

Everyone is welcome

NeON Nutrition Kitchens are neighborhood food pantries that help people transitioning from the justice system to stay on the right track. But you don’t have to be on probation to come to a NeON Nutrition Kitchen. Everyone in the community is welcome.

Find a NeON Kitchen Near You

We operate Nutrition kitchens in each of the five boroughs. Join us for food and fellowship right in your own neighborhood.

Use the dropdown below to find the Nutrition Kitchen locations information per borough.

Senior Hours

9am to 11am - all locations
Seniors: 62 years old or older


198 East 161 Street
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ‐ 9am to 12pm


345 Adams Street, 6th Floor
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ‐ 9am to 12pm



162-24 Jamaica Avenue 2nd Floor
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ‐ 9am to 12pm

Staten Island

340 Bay Street
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays ‐ 9am to 12pm

Visit your NeON Nutrition Kitchen for:

  • Free food (non-perishable)
  • Healthy, great-tasting recipes
  • Nutrition tips and guidance

The Department of Probation operates NeON Nutrition Kitchens in partnership with Food Bank For New York City and the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.