The New York City Continuum of Care (NYC CoC) sends out regular communications as well as monthly newsletters via Mailchimp to its subscribers.
Communications include time-sensitive and informative announcements about CoC Program funding, Annual Evaluation, HMIS, CAPS, and more.
Monthly newsletters feature infomation on resources, events, trainings, advocacy opportunities, and job opportunities within the CoC and local housing community. The Newsletters also feature COVID-19 and Vaccine resources from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of New York.
The CoC recommends staff persons from CoC-funded agencies, CoC committee members, housing and homelessness coalition members, persons with homelessness experience in New York City, non-profits interested in NYC CoC funding, interested NYC residents and constituents, additional housing and homelessness stakeholders, and city, state, and federal government representatives in the field join our mailing list to become more involved with the NYC CoC and housing and homelessness initiatives.