Data Warehouse Information

Vendor Letter

June 12, 2024 HMIS Lead Letter to Vendors (PDF)

Data Migration Guide

June 26, 2024 HMIS Data Migration Quick Guide (PDF)

Office Hours

The HMIS team will be hosting office hours weekly on Tuesdays from 11am to 12pm at the following Teams link:

Annual Training

How to Access ClientInsight, ClientTrack, and Eccovia University

You must sign the Policy and Procedure agreements before you will be granted access to ClientInsight. Only 1-2 End Users per Provider that have signed agreements will be able to access the warehouse.

ClientTrack can be accessed through ClientInsight in the upper right-hand corner.

Eccovia University (Learning Management System) is only available to Warehouse End Users.

How to Distinguish Between ClientInsight and ClientTrack

ClientInsight is the NYC HMIS warehouse where providers upload their data monthly and can design and run dynamic reports using power business intelligence tools. ClientTrack (accessible in ClientInsight) is where federal reports such as HUD's APR are available.

NYC HMIS Data Environment

How to Upload

If you do not use Foothold/AWARDS as your source system then changes will be minimal. You will still export a .csv fileset from your source system (e.g. Social Solutions, eIcare, etc.) but will be uploading to ClientInsight.
If you use Foothold/AWARDS you will continue to use the one button upload, which will be redirected to the new system. DO NOT EXPORT your data to upload as the source ids are different and will create duplicate records when you upload to ClientInsight.
You can continue to upload a single fileset with multiple projects to the new warehouse. The new warehouse will detect any changes in a fileset and automatically make changes (delta upload).

How to Run Reports

Data are uploaded to ClientInsight (CI) and are available in CI reports after data are refreshed (daily at 6:30 am and 12:30 pm). These data are deduplicated and synced to ClientTrack (CT) nightly so you will need to wait a day before you can run your APR after uploading data. (see image above)

You can run an APR in your system to check data quality/completeness, but you MUST pull the APR that you submit to SAGE from our NYC HMIS Data Warehouse. This is to ensure our community-level reports are consistent with the data you submit. 

How to Request Help

Once users have access to ClientTrack everyone should submit a ticket using the question mark icon in the lower left of ClientTrack. If the issue is with uploads please specify ClientInsight in the subject. The HMIS team will address your concerns or will forward your request to Eccovia support staff as needed (the same as how things operate currently). Turnaround time for responses will be short. You may continue to email the HMIS team at for HMIS related issues outside of ClientTrack. DO NOT attach or include any client/personally identifiable information in any email outside of the ClientTrack support.