This manual contains individual procedures that detail the protocols associated with verifying, uploading, and reporting of forensic profiles in relation to the CODIS system.
The procedures on this page apply to versions in effect from January 1, 2025, to the present. The effective dates are indicated in the file name in the format MM/DD/YY - MM/DD/YY. Documents will open in .PDF format.
Note: The most current manual in each section is the first link listed.
Click or press the enter key on any topic below to access the relevant PDF file of the associated procedure.
CODIS Terms and Abbreviations
Overview of the CODIS Program
CODIS Organization and Management
CODIS Profile Management
Verifying and Reporting DNA Matches
CODIS Case Disposition and Hit Counting
CODIS User Management
CODIS Quality Assurance Quality Control
Maintaining Profiles in Linkage
CODIS Specimen Category Eligibility Table