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Department of Forensic Biology

Forensic Biology Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Manuals

This manual contains individual procedures pertaining to Mitochondrial DNA testing of biological specimens.

The procedures on this page apply to versions in effect from January 1, 2025, to the present. The effective dates are indicated in the file name in the format MM/DD/YY - MM/DD/YY. Documents will open in .PDF format.

Note: The most current manual in each section is the first link listed.

Click or press the enter key on any topic below to access the relevant PDF file of the associated procedure.

Pre-Amplification Procedures

Hair Evidence Examination

Washing Hair for Mitochondrial or Nuclear DNA Testing

Organic Extraction for Mitochondrial or Nuclear DNA Testing

mitoMPS Massively Parallel Sequencing Procedures

Mitochondrial DNA Guidelines for mitoMPS casework

Library Amplification with the PowerSeq CRM kit

Ampure XP bead-based library purification

Library Quantification with the PowerSeq Quant MS kit

Normalization of MPS Libraries

mtDNA Sequencing using the MiSeq/MiSeq FGx

mitoMPS Analysis using the Qiagen CLC Workbench and AQME Toolkit

Interpretation Guidelines for mtDNA MPS

Statistical Analysis for Massively Parallel Sequencing

Sanger Sequencing Procedures

Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis

Editing Guidelines

Sequence Nomenclature and Alignment

Interpretation Guidelines

Statistical Analysis

Creation of a Casefile CD


Appendix A - Oligonucleotide Primer Sequences

Appendix B - Mitochondrial DNA Primer Locations

Appendix C - Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence