Clergy Council

NYC Crime Victim Services Finder

This map-based resource directory serves as a centralized locator of city-funded crime victim service providers for victims, advocates, and others who are interested in learning more about available services in New York City.

  • The data included in the directory was self-reported by crime victim service providers that (1) are funded in whole or in part by the City and (2) provide services targeted to individuals or groups who have been victims of crime.
  • Each blue dot on the map represents a unique service location or a building that houses multiple service locations. Clicking any dot reveals essential information on that service location including address, website, phone number, services offered and eligibility criteria. Users can directly search providers based on address or provider name and results can be refined based on victim age and crime type.


If you are a crime victim service provider that is not currently included on the directory or would like to update or remove your organization’s current information, click the help tab in the directory for a link that will allow you to add or update information.

To learn more about Crime Victim Services, read our annual report:
OCVS Annual Report