Maps are included in Part III of the WRP document to delineate New York City’s Coastal Zone Boundary as well as five Special Area Designations.
The Coastal Zone Boundary defines the geographic scope of the WRP. This boundary encompasses all land and water that could have a direct and significant impact on coastal water, including all waterfront land up to the first upland street at least 300 feet inland, as well as all coastal wetlands, waterfront parks, floodplains, and other significant coastal features.
The WRP sets forth five types of special area designations. Different policies may take priority if located in or adjacent to a special area designation.
SNWAs are large areas with significant open spaces and concentrations of natural resources including wetlands, habitats and buffer areas.
Locations: East River/Long Island Sound, Jamaica Bay, and Northwestern Staten Island Harbor Herons Area
SMIAs are areas especially valuable as industrial areas and working waterfronts, due to their location and site conditions.
Priority Policy: 2.1: Promote water-dependent and industrial uses in Significant Maritime and Industrial Areas.
Locations: South Bronx, Newtown Creek, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Red Hook Container Terminal, Sunset Park/Erie Basin, Kill Van Kull, and Staten Island West Shore
The Arthur Kill ESMIA promotes industrial development in concert with preservation and enhancement of ecological resources specifically on the West Shore of Staten Island.
Priority Policies:
2.2: Encourage a compatible relationship between working waterfront uses, upland development and natural resources within the Ecologically Sensitive Maritime and Industrial Area.
4.2: Protect and restore the ecological quality and component habitats and resources within the Ecologically Sensitive Maritime and Industrial Area.
Location: West Shore of Staten Island along Arthur Kill
PMAZ are areas with concentrations of waterborne transportation uses that support the city’s waterborne transportation and maritime activities.
Locations: Majority of the 7 Significant Maritime and Industrial Areas; maritime clusters in Eastchester, Flushing Bay, southeastern Staten Island; cruise terminals, ferry landings, commercial marinas, and others.
The RECs are clusters of valuable natural features which are more fragmented than those in the SNWAs and often interspersed with developed sites.
Locations: Protected parkland, areas designated as Forever Wild Preserves, and other priority acquisition or restoration sites identified from a variety of science-based plans and reports.
The WRP establishes a set of ten policy categories for the development and use of waterfront areas within NYC’s Coastal Zone. These provide a framework for evaluating whether actions are consistent with the WRP’s goals. Download Part II of the WRP: The Policies