The Department of City Planning and the Economic Development Corporation are pleased to announce the release of Working West Shore 2030: Creating Jobs, Improving Infrastructure and Managing Growth, the culmination of a collaborative two-year effort among City and State agencies, over 300 community members, business leaders and civic stakeholders to craft a vision for the West Shore of Staten Island. The final report details strategies which will guide public and private investment and land use decisions over the next 20 years.
In order to coordinate efforts and jumpstart the vision, the City has committed to several first steps over the next three years.
Chapter 1: Jobs, Growth and the West Shore
The West Shore Land Use and Transportation Study was initiated at the request of the Staten Island Growth Management Task Force as a response to the call for government to coordinate its efforts and comprehensively plan for the future of this unique area. This Chapter describes the study area, the borough and West Shore’s challenges and opportunities and the issues prioritized through the public engagement process.
Chapter 2: Strategies for a Working West Shore
This Chapter identifies four overall strategies to guide public and private land use and infrastructure decisions by: creating quality local jobs, connecting the West Shore, preserving and linking open space and improving community services and choices.
Chapter 3: Neighborhood Framework
Each neighborhood in the West Shore has unique assets and challenges. This Chapter details how the four strategies will be targeted to opportunity areas in the five neighborhoods of Arlington-Port Ivory, Bloomfield-Teleport, Travis-Freshkills, Rossville Waterfront and Charleston-Tottenville.
Chapter 4: Implementation and Coordination
The realization of this 20-year vision will require the participation and diligent oversight of a multitude of stakeholders. The final report is designed to provide clear priorities to all of those who will ultimately implement its ideas — local and regional agencies, developers, property owners, civic leaders, local elected officials and both current and future residents. The report includes a full list of recommendations, and the West Shore 2030 Work Plan outlines the City’s three-year commitments.
Working West Shore 2030 defines four strategies for creating economic opportunity, managing growth, and providing infrastructure on the West Shore over the next 20 years. By accounting for demographic changes, physical constraints, the potential of existing job centers and the unique residential neighborhoods of the study area, the framework targets future growth opportunities and infrastructure improvements to a limited number of areas that:
Create high-paying, community-sustaining jobs by:
Connect communities and businesses with the rest of the borough and the region, while reducing auto dependency and minimizing the traffic impact of new development by:
Preserve existing open space and establish, activate and connect new ones to existing areas and to nearby communities by:
Diversify housing options and concentrate expanded services and infrastructure investments adjacent to existing communities by:
This section demonstrates how the balanced and focused application of the four West Shore 2030 strategies over the next two decades can benefit the communities of Arlington-Port Ivory, Bloomfield-Teleport, Travis- Freshkills, the Rossville Waterfront and Charleston-Tottenville. Roll over any neighborhood name to see a rendering of the 2030 vision. Click to read the existing conditions, vision and specific land use and infrastructure recommendations for each community.
The framework outlined in this report lays the foundation for a 20-year Working West Shore vision. To achieve this vision, multi-year and multi-agency efforts are required. A West Shore 2030 inter-agency working group will be led by the Deputy Mayor’s Office for Economic Development to coordinate efforts between city agencies and their regional and local partners. The working group will provide regular progress reports to the Mayor’s Staten Island Growth Management Task Force.
Full list of 20-year Recommendations
A full list of recommendations, critical first steps, agencies involved, and a potential timeline
West Shore 2030 Work Plan
This list included new and ongoing commitments, which will serve as a scope of work for the West Shore 2030 working group.
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