City Hall
Quadrennial Commission

    The 2015 Commission has made publicly available all reports, documents and research used in its process.

    View the documents here.

**The work of this Quadrennial Commission has concluded. This site is for historical purposes only.**

Dear New York City residents and elected officials,

The Quadrennial Commission was tasked with considering whether to propose changes in compensation for the offices held by New York City’s elected officials. To do so, we analyzed a wealth of data and information, including the current role of each office, relevant changes in elected offices, changes in indices of New York City’s affordability, and the relationship between pay of elected officials and the economic condition of their constituents.

The 2015 Quadrennial Commission made its process and recommendations transparent to the public. At the outset of our work, we created this website, where we have posted our methodology, the body of research used in our recommendation process, all public commentary, and transcripts from our two public hearings. As a result, the public has unprecedented access to the information used to formulate our recommendations.

The date on the report is December 14, but we are releasing it on December 21. The reason is that at the meeting we had with the Mayor on December 12 to introduce the report, he asked if we could release it on December 20 to give him time to be able to prepare a more considered preliminary reaction. In light of the Mayor’s busy schedule, we agreed. The Mayor agreed that the 30 days to submit comments to the City Council would still run from December 14.

The report containing the Commission’s recommendations is now available for download.


Frederick A.O. (“Fritz”) Schwarz Jr., Chair

Jill Bright, Commissioner

Paul Quintero, Commissioner



The 2015 Quadrennial Commission submitted the following testimony with respect to the City Council's proposed laws and rules relating to pay of New York City elected officials. Additionally, members of the Commission appeared at the February 3rd City Council Hearing.

Download the testimony