
Article I: Name and Authority

The name of this body is Community Board No. 1 of Staten Island, New York. The rules of procedure set forth below are adopted pursuant to, and subject to, the City Charter and the Open Meetings Law of the State of New York (Article 7, Public Officers' Law), and Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, to the extent not inconsistent with these rules of procedure, shall govern.

Article II: Officers and Members

Section 1

The elected officers of the Board shall be Chairperson, First vice-Chairperson; Second vice-Chairperson; Third vice-Chairperson; Secretary; and, Treasurer. All those seeking elected office must have served on the Board at least one year immediately prior to being nominated for the position.

Section 2: Chairperson

It shall be the duty of the Chairperson of the Board to:

  1. Preside over executive, regular and special meetings of the Board.
  2. Develop the agenda for executive and special committee meetings.
  3. Supervise the District Manager and staff of the Board and, in consultation with other executive committee members, prepare an annual evaluative report. The Manager and each staff member are to receive a copy of said report and will be given an opportunity to comment on it, with such comments to be affixed thereto. All such reports are to be filed and maintained in a confidential permanent file in the Board's office and are only to be for official internal Board business.
  4. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the Board and designate all committee assignments for Board members, with the advice of the Executive Committee as detailed in Article VIII, Section 9.
  5. Coordinate, monitor and direct all activities of the Board and the officers thereof.
  6. Approve all Board expenditures subject to the rules specified in Article XI.
  7. Cause to be forwarded, to appropriate agencies and the public, notice of all actions taken by the Board in fulfillment of its responsibilities; and, cause to be published, where appropriate, including but not limited to, a public website, public notices of such actions for the benefit of the general public.
  8. Perform all necessary functions consistent with the role of chief executive officer.
  9. Serve as a member of the District Cabinet and the Staten Island Borough Board.
  10. Serve as a representative on the City-wide coalition of Community Boards; and,
  11. Perform such other duties as are provided for in the City Charter, Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, and these rules of procedure.

Section 3: First vice-Chairperson

It shall be the duty of the First vice-Chairperson to:

  1. Perform the functions of the Chairperson in his/her absence.
  2. Develop an agenda and preside over Steering Committee meetings.
  3. Prepare a monthly status report, for submission to Board members, of matters that have been referred to standing committees of the Board.
  4. Keep advised of all Board committee meetings and activities.
  5. Prepare and distribute to Board members a monthly calendar of meetings/hearings of the Board and various Board committees, and notify Board members in advance of regular and special Board meetings, Steering Committee meetings, and public hearings of the Board or its committees.
  6. Publish or, cause to be published, all official public notices of the Board, including, but not limited to, notices of Board meetings and public hearings.
  7. Coordinate the planning of public hearings in conjunction with committee chairs.
  8. Perform such responsibilities as are assigned under Article X of these rules of procedure, and
  9. Perform other such duties and functions as may be assigned by the Chairperson, the Board or Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised.

Section 4: Second vice-Chairperson

It shall be the duty of the Second vice-Chairperson to:

  1. Coordinate the functional committees of the board, including, but not limited to, coordinating the referral of matters to the functional committees.
  2. Keep advised of meetings and activities of functional committees and be responsible for receiving reports of such committees when rendered.
  3. Receive from functional committees nominations for the appointment of non-Board members to said committees and refer said nominations to the Executive Committee for action, and
  4. Perform such other duties, as the Chairperson shall assign from time to time.

Section 5: Third vice-Chairperson

It shall be the duty of the Third vice-Chairperson to:

  1. Coordinate the area committees of the Board including, but not limited to, coordinating the referral of matters to the area committees.
  2. Keep advised of meetings and activities of the area committees and receive such area committee reports when rendered.
  3. Receive area committee nominations of non-Board members to said committees and refer said nominations to the Executive Committee for action, and
  4. Perform other such duties, as the Chairperson, from time to time, shall assign.

Section 6: Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  1. Cause minutes to be taken of the Full Board, Executive and Steering Committee meetings and to insure the minutes comply with Section 96 of the Public Officers' Law.
  2. Maintain a record of all Board proceedings.
  3. Receive and keep on file all committee reports and minutes.
  4. Keep the Board's official roster and call the roll where required.
  5. Make the minutes and records of the Board, Executive, Steering, Standing and Special committees available to Board members and the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meeting Law (Articles 6 and 7 of the Public Officers' Law).
  6. Maintain a file of all Board related correspondence, documents, recordings of proceedings and notices of the Board, and all correspondence and documents received by the Board.
  7. Prepare an annual report of the Board for submission to the Mayor and Staten Island Borough President in January, as required by the City Charter (said report to be approved by the Board prior to submission), and, cause the report to be published in the City Record.
  8. Record Board member attendance at regular meetings and notify the Chairperson regarding members who are excessively absent from Board meetings, and, notify any Board member when his or her membership is in peril due to absence from Full Board or Committee meetings.
  9. Insure that all minutes required to be taken by the Secretary are distributed to Board members no later than 10 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. In the event a regularly scheduled meeting, at which minutes are required to be taken by the Secretary, occurs within 10 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting, said minutes will be distributed to Board members no later than the commencement of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. All other minutes required to be kept by the Secretary shall be distributed to Board members within 14 days after the meeting at which the minutes were taken, and
  10. Perform such other functions as deemed appropriate by the Chairperson.

Section 7: Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

  1. Perform those functions as provided in the City Charter, or required by law, and such other duties as the Chairperson, from time to time, shall assign, including but not limited to:
    1. Maintaining all financial records of the Board.
    2. Making available to Board members and the public, financial information in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, the City Charter, and the Public Officers' Law.
    3. Preparing a monthly financial statement for distribution to Board members at regularly scheduled Board meetings.
    4. Preparing an annual financial statement which details line appropriations, unencumbered balances and expenditures, etc., for distribution to Board members at the regular June Board meeting.
    5. Preparing an annual budgetary request for approval by the Board at the regular June Board meeting. Said budgetary request should include detailed information and estimates of the fiscal needs of the Board for the ensuing fiscal year by expense line appropriation categories.
  2. Approve Board expenditures subject to the rules specified in Article XI
  3. Coordinate the preparation and submission of all required personnel papers with the staff of the Borough President's office in accordance with NYC Civil Service rules and policies.
  4. Coordinate the purchases of all “other-than-personal-services” (OTPS) items in conjunction with the District Manager and staff of the Borough President's office in accordance with NYC purchasing regulations and policies, and
  5. Be a standing member of the Budget Committee.
  6. Perform such other functions as deemed appropriate by the Chairperson.

Section 8: Members

It shall be the responsibility of Board Members to:

  1. Attend the required meetings outlined in these rules of procedure and the Standard Operating Procedures adopted by the Board.
  2. Be a member of one Functional and one Area Committee. Membership to which will be appointed by the Chairperson.
  3. Participate in meetings in a meaningful way following these rules of procedures, Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised and the Standard Operating Procedures adopted by this Board.
  4. Notify the appropriate persons as outlined in these rules of procedure Article V, Section 4, of an impending absence from Full Board or committee meetings.
  5. Be respectful to their fellow Board Members at all times.

Article III: Election of Officers

Section 1

Election of officers shall take place at the regular meeting held in June in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised.

All candidates must be members of the Board in good standing. Good standing shall mean that they are not subject to removal for cause.

The April meeting notice shall contain a “Call for Candidates” listing the positions of the Executive Committee as set forth in Article II, Section 1. Each Board member may elect to run for ONE office. Any member who does not receive a “Call for Candidates” shall so notify the Secretary by the close of the April meeting. “Call for Candidates” shall be returned by mail to the Board office or submitted at the call of the May meeting. If received prior to the mailing of the May meeting notice, the names and positions of the candidates shall be published in the May mailing.

At the May meeting, the Secretary shall collect and read the “Call for Candidates.” Additional nominations shall then be taken from the floor. The use of proxies shall not be permitted, except that any candidate not present but returning a properly completed “Call for Candidates shall not be deemed a proxy.

After all of the candidates have been declared, any member PRESENT may change the Executive Committee position for which they have elected to run by notifying the Secretary.

In the event that there are FIVE or more candidates for any one Executive Committee position, a run-off shall be held immediately and the names of the TWO candidates receiving the most votes placed on the ballot for that position. After this, the Secretary shall close the ballot.

Section 2

The June meeting notice shall contain the names of all the candidates and the respective offices they seek as outlined in Section 1 of this Article.

At the June Board meeting, elections shall be the last order of business, be by written ballot, and be in accordance with the City Charter. No nominations shall be taken from the floor unless there is a vacant position.

The order of the elections will be as follows: Chair, First vice Chair, Second vice Chair, Third vice Chair, Secretary then Treasurer. Each candidate will have three minutes to address the Board at the June Board meeting. The Secretary shall collect and count the ballots in the presence of two other Board members who are not candidates.

All candidates for office must receive 50% plus 1 vote in order to be elected to office. In the event that no candidate receives the requisite number of

votes, a vote shall be taken between the 2 candidates with the largest number of votes and the candidate who receives a majority plus one vote is then elected to office. Election to office shall become final immediately after the meeting is adjourned.

All candidates must receive 50% plus 1 vote in order to be elected to office. Where there are two candidates for an office and there is a tie vote, each candidate shall have an additional two minutes to address the Board. A second vote shall then be taken. If the vote remains tied, a third vote shall be taken. After this, if the vote still remains tied, the vote for that office shall be adjourned for two weeks, at which time a mandatory special meeting shall be held. Another vote shall be taken until the tie is broken. Where there are more than two candidates for an office and no candidate receives the requisite number of votes, a vote shall be taken between the TWO candidates with the largest number of votes and the candidate who receives a majority plus one vote is then elected to office. Election to office shall become effective immediately if the candidate is present and does not decline.

The requirement for office contained in Article II, Section 1, shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 3

The term of office for all officers shall be for one year commencing upon election at the regular meeting of the Board in June until the election of officers' successors at the regular meeting the following June, unless the individual term of membership on the Board should terminate pursuant to New York City Charter Section. 2800, at which time the term will end with the membership.

Section 4

If the Chair of the Community Board should vacate his/her office, the First vice-Chairperson shall act as interim Chair until the next full board meeting when a special election shall be held. In the case where the First vice-Chairperson declines to serve as interim Chair, the next highest-ranking member of the

Executive Committee will act as Chairperson in the interim and shall preside over the special election. All other vacancies shall be filled by special election.

Section 5

Special elections for vacant offices other than Chairperson shall be called by the Chairperson for the next regularly scheduled Board meeting succeeding the vacancy. Elections for the vacant position will be the last order of business for that meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for informing the membership of the vacancy prior to the meeting. Any member wishing to be considered for the vacant position must be present and must receive a nomination and a second from the floor. Once candidates are declared and nominated, they will each have three minutes to address the full board. The order will be decided by a toss of the coin. The Election will then proceed according to the procedure outlined in Section 2 of this Article.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1

Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of the month except during the months of July and August and, except on religious and public holidays (in which event another day shall be selected.)

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall decide upon the location of regular and special meetings of the Board.

Section 3

Board members and the public shall be given advance notification of regular and special meetings of the Board. A written agenda shall accompany such meeting notices to Board members.

Section 4

The Chairperson or two members of the Executive Committee or ten members of the Board can call special meetings of the Board. The purpose(s) of the meeting shall be stated in the call and at least seven days notice given.

Section 5

A quorum shall consist of a majority of members of the Board.

Section 6

Voting shall be by a roll call except as otherwise provided by these Rules. The New York City Charter, the Standard Operating Procedures, and Robert's Rules of Order. Votes shall be recorded by the Secretary and included in the minutes of the meeting. Voting records shall be kept in the Board's permanent files.

Section 7

Meetings of all minutes shall be kept and distributed to Board members.

Section 8

Regular or special Board meetings shall automatically be adjourned at twelve midnight with all unfinished business carried over as old business at the next Board meeting. A majority of the Board members in attendance shall be required to suspend the operation of this rule.

Section 9

At the discretion of the Chair, all motions may be required to be reduced to writing before being placed in order for them to be considered by the Board.

Section 10

The public shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Board in compliance with the Open Meetings (“Sunshine”) Law and the New York City Charter.

Section 11

At each regular or special meeting of the Board, in compliance with the New York City Charter, a special time shall be set aside for comments by non-Board members. This time shall be limited to fifteen minutes. Speaking time should be limited and pre-registration required at the discretion of the Chairperson. This public speaking time must be listed on the agenda before committee reports. A quorum must be present.

Article V: Attendance

Section 1

Attendance shall be recorded at every meeting of the Board and every meeting of any committee of the Board.

Section 2

Three consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings of the Full Board and/or unexcused absences from more than one-half of the regular meetings of the Full Board called in any annual session is cause for removal from the Board.

For the purposes of attendance requirements, attendance at Area Committees and Functional Committees will be the same as those of the full Board.

Section 3

The following may be considered an excused absence:

  1. Illness and/or death in the family;
  2. Mandatory business requirements (on a temporary and intermittent basis);
  3. Religious observance;
  4. Vacation away from home; and
  5. Attendance at another Community Board related activity.

Section 4

To obtain an excused absence from Area Committee, Functional Committee and Full Board meetings, the member MUST submit their request in writing or by email, within ten days of the meeting.

If the excused absence pertains to the Full Board Meeting, the written or email request must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board and the Board Office.

If the excused absence pertains to an Area or Functional Committee meeting, the written or email request must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board, the Board Office and the relevant Committee Chairperson.

The written request or email must state:

  1. Which reason, as specified in Article 5 Sec.3, is the basis of their absence; and
  2. A full and specific explanation as to the cause and events surrounding their absence.

When a member is attending another Board related activity it shall not be necessary for that member to write an excusal letter if the other board related activity has an attendance list showing their attendance, and that list is in possession of the Board office.

It is the responsibility of the absent member to ensure that the appropriate person, as designated in this section, receives the written or email notification.

Section 4A

The Executive Committee has the ability to deny a request for an excusal if:

  1. The request occurs excessively within the Board cycle; or
  2. The request does not meet the requirements set forth in Section 4A.

Section 5

Arrival at a regular meeting more than one-half hour after the meeting is convened or departure from a regular meeting before the meeting has been in session for more than one and one-half hours shall be recorded by the secretary as one-half absence.

Section 6: Removal of a Board Member

A member may be removed from the Board for cause, which includes nonattendance as described in this Article.

The Secretary of the Board shall submit to the Borough President and to the Board, at the next regularly scheduled meeting, the names of any members who shall meet the criteria for removal.

A member shall be entitled to advance notice that his or her name shall be submitted to the Borough President and to the Board before any action is taken.
Upon the motion of the Secretary, or any member of the Board, the member for whom cause for removal is found may be removed from membership by a simple majority vote of the Board membership.

Article VI: Executive Committee

Section 1

The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected Board officers.

Section 2

The Executive Committee, subject to approval of the full Board, shall have the responsibility of formulating Board policy and for carrying out such functions as are deemed appropriate between regular meetings of the Board.

Section 3

The Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis as decided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall decide the date and place of such meetings.

Section 4

The Executive Committee shall maintain minutes of its proceedings and shall publish and send such minutes to all members of the Board.

Section 5

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of four members of the Executive Committee.

Section 6

The Chairperson shall develop an agenda for Executive Committee meetings.

Section 7

Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairperson or by one-third of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 8

It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to prepare an agenda for regular Board meetings. Any Board member may propose to the Executive Committee an item for inclusion on the Board's agenda provided that the proposal is submitted in writing and in advance of the Executive Committee meeting.

Section 9

The First vice-Chairperson shall be responsible for notifying Executive Committee members in advance of Executive Committee meetings---except in the case of a special meeting where notice shall be provided at least seven days in advance.

Article VII: Steering Committee

Section 1

The Steering Committee shall consist of all Elected officers and the Chairpersons of all standing committees.

Section 2

The Steering Committee shall have the responsibility of overseeing and coordinating the implementation of Board policy; for considering issues which involve more than one standing committee; and, for assisting in the development of procedures for the comprehensive review and resolution of issues under consideration by more than one standing committee.

Section 3

The Steering Committee shall hold meetings at least once every three months during the annual term. The First vice-Chairperson shall decide upon the dates and place of such meetings. The first meeting shall occur prior to the second Full Board Meeting of the annual term.

Section 4

The Steering Committee shall maintain minutes of its proceedings and shall publish and send such minutes to all Board members.

Section 5

A quorum of the Steering Committee shall consist of a majority of members of the Steering Committee.

Section 6

The Chairperson and/or First vice-Chairperson shall develop an agenda for Steering Committee meetings.

Section 7

The Chairperson, First vice-Chairperson or one-third of the members of the Steering Committee may call special meetings of the Steering Committee.

Section 8

In the event that a standing committee Chairperson cannot attend a Steering Committee meeting, the co-Chairperson must attend. Elected officers who cannot attend a Steering Committee meeting shall notify either the Chairperson or the Secretary in advance of such meeting.

The First vice-Chairperson shall be responsible for notifying Steering Committee members in advance of Steering Committee meetings---except in the case of special meetings. At least seven days advance notice shall be provided to Steering Committee members.

Article VIII: Committees and Reports

Section 1

The standing functional committees of the board with examples of their areas of responsibility shall be as follows:

  1. Budget and Finance: Grants, expense and capital budgets, community development funding and other federal and state funding; and, providing the Treasurer with such assistance as may be required.
  2. Human Resources: Health and related services; social services; museums, and, other cultural institutions and public housing policy.
  3. Land Use: Zoning; mapping; zoning variances; franchises; disposition of real property; site selection and leases; and, issues arising under the Uniform Land Use Review Procedures.
  4. Public Services: Police; Fire; Sanitation; utilities; water and air resources; sewers; environmental systems; schools; parks and recreation; and, libraries.
  5. Rules and Legislative Affairs: Reviewing of City, State, and Federal legislation having an impact on the board's district or functions; developing proposed legislation; formulating, drafting and reviewing proposed rules of procedure of the board, and any amendments thereto; advising board members on opinions and rulings of the board of ethics and the corporation counsel; and advising the board on questions of ethics under chapter 68 of the City Charter.
  6. Transportation: Mass transit; traffic; highways; and, parking.
  7. Waterfront: Develop a coherent long-term plan for reuse and redevelopment of the waterfront.
  8. Youth Services Planning Committee: Identify youth needs and resources to meet those needs; make local priority plans for implementation; disseminate information on youth services; review all proposals for government funding of youth services within the community; provide a forum for discussion of youth problems; and, help better coordinate services to youth and oversee the Summer Youth Employment Program when applicable.

Section 2

The standing area committees of the Board shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The Area Committee boundaries shall be determined by the Executive Committee with the advice of the Rules Committee and the relevant Area Committees.

Section 3

The responsibilities of the functional standing committees of the Board shall include, but need not be limited to, studying, analyzing (in conjunction with other functional and area committees as deemed appropriate), and initiating plans and proposals; gathering data on technical (site or non-site specific) issues; holding public hearings and meetings; and, reporting and recommending Board action on all issues, activities and proposals relating to the functions assigned to them by these rules of procedure and/or, as referred to them by the Chairperson of the Board, First or Second vice-Chairpersons, general Board membership or other functional or area committees.

Section 4

The responsibilities of the area committees of the Board shall include, but need not be limited to, studying, analyzing (in conjunction with other area and functional committees as deemed appropriate), and initiating plans and proposals; holding public meetings and hearings; gathering data on area reactions to plans and proposals relating to their respective area committees, as defined in Section 2 of this Article, and/or as referred to them by the Chairperson, First vice-Chairperson or Third vice-Chairperson of the Board, general membership, or other area or functional committees.

It shall also be the responsibility of the area committees to establish and maintain an on-going relationship with community groups within their respective committee areas; to maintain a continuous awareness of the needs, desires and problems of community residents and business-people; and, to be in regular contact with community, religious, civic and business associations so that they may be aware of pending Board actions.

Section 5

Matters affecting two or more committees (functional or area) shall be referred to the appropriate committee(s) at the discretion of the Board Chairperson. The Steering Committee will resolve disputes between committees.

Section 6

  1. Non-Board members with a pertinent interest in the Board area may serve on Board committees as voting members bt may not act as committee chairpersons. Such non-Board members:
    1. Shall be approved by the Chairperson of the Board upon sponsorship by a Board member and after notice is given to the committee chair.
    2. Are subject to removal by the Board Chairperson.
    3. Shall serve for a term of two years ending in June of the second year, subject to re-appointment; and,
    4. Shall be counted in the quorum of committee meetings and hearings except for the Land Use Committee (see Article X).
  2. Non-Board membership of the Youth Service Planning Committee shall be drawn from high school juniors and seniors and college undergraduates or youth of similar age who are residents or students in the community and who shall be nominated by the committee chairperson and approved in the manner prescribed for all non-Board members as set forth in sub-paragraph (a) above. Non-Board committee membership shall neither be fewer than seven nor greater than fifteen representatives of youth within the Board 1 area.
  3. The Youth Services Planning Committee shall have between fifteen and thirty members representing as many interests within the community as possible. In addition to youth, membership to the committee shall be appointed from representatives of tenant and block associations; civic and merchant groups; service providers (both voluntary and governmental); religious groups; the Community School Board; local high schools; private and parochial schools; and, local human service advisory or planning groups. A Board member shall chair the committee and the Chairperson may appoint one or more Board members at his or her discretion.

Section 7

Committee reports, unless otherwise waived by action of the Board, shall be in writing and shall be submitted on a monthly basis. Committee reports, when rendered, shall indicate the consideration and/or actions taken by the committee on each and every pending matter previously referred to the committee pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of this Article. Said reports shall additionally include the time and place of the committee meeting, the attendance and the vote count on each motion or resolution.

Section 8

Special or temporary committees may be created by the Chairperson as the Board or Executive Committee shall deem necessary to carry out the work of the Board. Additional standing committees shall be created by a resolution of the Board adopted at a regular meeting subject to the provisions of Article XIII of these rules of procedure.

Section 9

Except as otherwise provided in these rules, the Chairperson shall have the power to appoint all committee chairpersons and members with the advice of the Executive Committee. Such chairpersons shall serve at the discretion of the Board Chairperson.

Only the Board Chairperson is empowered to transfer committee members.

Section 10

Committee chairs shall decide the date and location of committee meetings.

Section 11

Except in an emergency, committee chairs shall provide members at least seven days advance notice of meetings and provide the First vice-Chairperson and Secretary with notification of all meetings/hearings no later than Tuesday of each week for committee meetings to be held during the ensuing calendar week (which shall begin on the following Monday).

Section 12

Committee meetings may be called by the committee chair or by two members of the committee: the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.

Section 13

A quorum for committee meetings shall consist of a majority of members, including non-board members.

Section 14

Committee chairs, when directed by the Board Chairperson, shall prepare notices such as correspondence and forms of Board actions on matters relating to their committees and submit such notices for the Chairperson's signature (with copies to the Secretary).

Section 15

Committee chairpersons shall be responsible for publishing and distributing minutes to all committee members, the First vice-Chair, the Second or Third vice-Chair, as appropriate, and the Secretary.

Article IX: Public Hearings

Section 1

Aside from the provisions of the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure and the City Charter, the Board or its committees shall hold public hearings as deemed necessary. Except during the months of July and August, the Board shall hold one informational hearing per month.

Section 2

Approval by the Executive Committee shall be required prior to the advertisement and holding of a public hearing by the Board or its committees.

Section 3

Public hearings shall be legislative type hearings, without sworn testimony or strict rules of evidence. All persons appearing at a public hearing of the Board or its committees shall be given opportunity to speak if they wish to do so. Anyone wishing to address the Board or its committees at a public hearing shall complete and submit a speaker's form provided by the Board. Speakers on each item shall be called by the hearing chairperson in the order that the speakers' forms are submitted, with the exception that public officials and the sponsor of the proposal or the sponsor's representative, will be allowed to speak first. Only one person may speak at a time.

All persons who address the Board must do so at the front of the hearing room. Each speaker shall have five minutes to present views either in favor or against the proposal and/or raise questions. Board members may question a speaker at the end of his/her allotted time. At the discretion of the hearing chair, only members of the Board may question a speaker.

For public hearings on site-specific proposals (as opposed to general informational hearings) the hearing chairperson shall allow alternating thirty-minute periods for speakers in favor of the proposal and for speakers against the proposal to present views and/or to raise questions until all persons in favor and against the proposal have had an opportunity to speak (at least once). Persons other than the proponent of the proposal or his/her representative may not speak more than once until all persons have had an opportunity to be heard. Yielding of time by persons who have not spoken to those persons who have already addressed the Board shall not be permitted.

Section 4

The chairperson of the committee holding a hearing shall decide upon the date, time and location of the public hearing.

Section 5

A quorum of a committee holding a public hearing shall consist of a majority of the committee's members.

Section 6

The chairperson of the committee holding the hearing shall preside at the hearing. In his/her absence, the committee's vice-chairperson shall preside.

Section 7

The First vice-Chairperson shall notify Board members at least seven calendar days in advance of all Board and committee public hearings. Invitations to hearings shall be sent to community organizations, governmental agencies, public officials and other interested parties, including the press, as deemed appropriate by the chairperson of the committee holding the hearing.

Section 8

The record of a public hearing on all matters except land use shall consist of minutes, a list of speakers' names and affiliations, if any, a notation on a form provided for that purpose of each speaker's own indication of support or opposition to the application/proposal, and any other written statements offered by speakers. The chairperson shall keep a record of public hearings thereof, or by a recording secretary especially appointed for that purpose.

Section 9

Committees shall report on public hearings held during the preceding month at regular Board meetings as part of written committee reports.

Section 10

Public hearings of the Board or its committees shall be advertised in at least one issue of a local newspaper having borough-wide distribution as required by law.

Section 11

Public hearings of the Board shall be held at a convenient place of public assembly chosen by the chairperson of the committee holding the hearing.

Article X: Land Use matters

Section 1

This section and all sections in this article shall govern the Board's processing of all land use matters referred to it under the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (U.L.U.R.P.) or under any other provision of the City Charter or law, including applications for zoning variances or special permits under the jurisdiction of the Board of Standards and Appeals.

Section 2

All applications on land use matters shall be duly recorded when received by the First vice-Chairperson and promptly thereafter referred to the chairperson of the Land Use Committee and interested area committees with advice as to when Board action is required to be taken in connection with such application.

Section 3

The Land Use chairperson and interested area committee(s), after receiving the application, shall consult with members of the committee(s) and/or hold a committee meeting(s) and upon the recommendation of the majority of the committee(s) shall formulate a recommendation for action (e.g., hearing; waiver) by the Board. In the event that a hearing and recommendation is required or deemed advisable, a hearing will be schedule in accordance with this Article.

Section 4

Except as provided in Section 5 below, within sixty calendar days after receipt of a completed land use application, the Board will hold (or waive) a public hearing and will adopt and submit a written recommendation (or written waiver) concerning such application to the referring agency.

Section 5

In the case of a proposed lease of property by, or to, the City of New York, which does not involve a substantial land use interest, the Board may waive holding a public hearing and the preparation of a written recommendation by a majority vote of the members in attendance at a regular or special meeting of the Board which has been open to the public. When the Board chooses to hold a hearing and prepare a written recommendation on a proposed lease, such hearing shall be held and such recommendation shall be submitted within thirty calendar days after the Board's receipt of such application from the Department of City Planning.

Section 6

Public hearings on land use matters shall require the presence of at least twenty percent of the appointed members of the Board, but in no event fewer than seven such members. The hearing minutes shall record the names of the members present.

Section 7

Public notice of the time, date, place, location and subject of a Land Use public hearing shall be prepared and sent under the coordination of the First vice-Chairperson and shall be given by publication in the “City Record” for the ten days immediately preceding said hearing, and by publication in the “Comprehensive City Planning Calendar” distributed not less than ten calendar days prior to the date of the hearing (this last provision applies only to actions that result in acquisition of property by the City, whether by condemnation or otherwise); and, by publication in at least one local newspaper having borough-wide distribution as required by law.

Section 8

The record of a Land Use public hearing shall consist of a tape recording of the proceedings, minutes, a list of speakers' names and affiliations, if any, a notation of each speaker's own indication, on a form provided by the Board for that purpose, of support for or opposition to the application and any exhibits or written statements offered by speakers.

Section 9

After a public hearing on a land use matter has been held, or if a public hearing and recommendation by the Board is to be waived, the Land Use Committee shall review the data collected by committee members and/or hearing records and shall prepare a final report which shall include a summary description of the application and affected property; date(s) of committee meetings; the names of participants, and the nature of their discussion; date(s) and location(s) of public hearing(s), and the nature of the statements made by hearing participants (in favor or against the proposal); date(s) and the names of participants in attendance at the committee meeting at which a final recommendation is formulated by the Land Use Committee and interested area committee(s), and the basis of the recommendations.

Section 10

The adoption of a final Land Use committee report and recommendation by the Board, or the waiver of a public hearing and recommendation by the Board, shall be by pubic vote which results in approval by a majority of the appointed Board members present during the presence of a quorum at a duly called meeting of the Board which has been open to the public.

Section 11

  1. Adopted Board recommendations and reports and covering letters indicating the adopted waiver of a public hearing and recommendation by the Board shall be prepared by the Land Use committee, shall be signed and submitted by the Board Chairperson to the City Planning Commission, the Borough President, the applicant and to any other agency or person to whom notice is required to be sent under the City Charter or any other law.
  2. In the case of an application for a variance of the Zoning Resolution or Special Permit under the jurisdiction of the Board of Standards and Appeals, the adopted recommendation or recommendation for waiver and covering letter of the Board shall be prepared by the Land Use committee, shall be signed and submitted by the Chairperson of the Board to the Board of Standards and Appeals, the City Planning Commission, the applicant and to any other agency or person to whom notice is required to be sent under the City Charter or any other law.

Section 12

The Board in accordance with Section 4.070 of the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure shall take Appeals of Board of Standards and Appeals decisions.

Article XI: Documentary and Budgetary Authority

Section 1

No letters, reports, memoranda, forms, advertisements, notices and other Board documents shall be officially sent on behalf of the Board without the prior knowledge and/or signature of the Chairperson. Committees of the Board may send correspondence concerning committee business without prior clearance from the Chairperson of the Board and without purporting to indicate that it is reflecting Board action or representing the Board, but copies of all such correspondence shall be directed to the Chairperson and to the Secretary.

Letters, reports, memoranda, forms, advertisements and bills and notices concerning the Board shall be brought to the attention of the Chairperson prior to acknowledgement.

No member, officer, non-board member, committee person or Board employee shall spend, commit to spend or approve disbursements of Board appropriations except for the Chairperson or Treasurer, who shall be empowered to spend up to $250.00 of any one budget line. The Executive Committee shall approve by the full Board or any expenditure in excess of $250.00 up to a maximum of $1,000.00 of any one budget line. Any expenditure in excess of $1,000.00 shall be approved by the full Board pursuant to an adopted resolution of the Board. All Board expenditures shall remain within total amounts budgeted and/or contributed therefore. Written approval (signatures) of the Chairperson or Treasurer shall be required prior to payment of Board expenditure, regardless of amount.

Article XII: Parliamentary Authority

The Chairperson shall appoint a Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall provide advice on all matters pertaining to these rules, the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, the City Charter, any other statutes and ordinances pertaining to the Board and any other rules that the Board may, from time to time, adopt.

Article XIII: Amendment to the Rules of Procedure

Amendment to the rules of procedure may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a member of the Board at a regular Board meeting: such amendments shall be referred to the Rules and Legislative Affairs committee which shall provide the Board members with advance notification that an amendment to these rules is pending, and shall make a report to the Board at the next regular meeting at which time such amendment shall be subject to adoption by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

Standard Operating Procedures Community Board #1

Office Procedure

  1. All incoming mail to the Community Board will be date stamped upon arrival.
  2. All letters to agency officials should be first addressed to the Borough Superintendent and after 21 days followed up by a telephone call PLUS a fax. A book will be kept to record calls and fax machine confirmation sheets.
  3. All correspondence to be sent out will be reviewed by the Board Chairperson and co-signed by the appropriate committee chairperson.
  4. All resolutions are to be included in each board member's packet for every full board meeting.
  5. All chairpersons shall submit complaint forms to the board office for all service complaints.
  6. Members' addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers may not be circulated. Each list should read “CONFIDENTIAL FOR BOARD MEMEBERS USE ONLY.”
  7. The Board will (as volunteer time and budget allow), maintain a website and/or, mail a monthly information newsletter to local civic associations and community organizations, including a monthly board calendar.
  8. When a committee meeting is cancelled, the board office will inform the appropriate Executive Vice-Chairperson

Public Hearings

  1. A news release will be sent to local newspapers including committee, date, time, place and purpose of the hearing, as per Article 9, Sections 10&11 of the by-laws.
  2. The Board office will notify members of important meetings that affect their activities or neighborhood.
  3. Mailings may be made to civic associations and organizations if approved by the Board Chairperson and/or full board as the budget allows.
  4. Committee chairperson will submit a tape, written notes, and any written testimony presented at the meeting together with an attendance sheet, to the board office by the next business day.
  5. Weekly news releases will be faxed and called into the Staten Island Advance and City Record for full board meetings, functional and area committee meetings, with agendas if available.

Executive Board

All recommendations for re-appointment to the Community Board must first come before the Executive Committee for review and a majority vote. In the event of a tied vote, the board chairperson will make the final determination. The Borough President mandates that the Board provide up to date and accurate records of all Board Members' required attendance at committee and full board meetings.

General Full Board Meetings

  1. All motions coming from a committee must be first sent to the Executive Committee. If for some reason the Executive Committee does not meet to consider the motions, or if there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. where time is of the essence), a motion may be made during the committee report to suspend the Rules in order to consider that motion outside of the normal course of the business. If the Rules are suspended then the Chairperson will open the floor for debate on the new motion. The motion to suspend the Rules will require a second and a majority vote.
  2. A member may bring a motion from the floor during new business. The motion must be submitted in writing and seconded. The Board Chairperson will have the authority to send the motion to the appropriate committee for its consideration. If for some extenuating circumstance (i.e. where time is of the essence), the motion cannot wait to be sent to a committee, a motion may be made to suspend the Rules in order to consider that motion outside of the normal course of business. If the Rules are suspended then the chairperson will open the floor up for debate on the new motion. The motion to suspend the rules will require a second and a majority vote.
  3. Motions, which have been previously considered and voted on by the full board, cannot be reintroduced unless new information is presented which substantially impacts the prior subject motion.
  4. Completed committee minutes are to be forwarded to the full board office by the first Thursday of the month.
  5. There will be no meetings scheduled on National, City or major religious holidays and no meetings scheduled on election days.

Board Member Conduct

Every board staff member and board member that offers a personal opinion should specify, “in my personal opinion,” when commenting on a matter, other than board policy. If it is a new item that has not been before the board then it should be indicated that the board has not yet voted on it and no official position has been taken.

Committee Meetings

  1. The Public Services Committee will meet in conjunction with the other area and functional committees.
  2. All functional committees, except the Public Services committee, will meet on the fourth Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the month. The Public Services committee will hold meetings in conjunction with the other area and functional committees.
  3. The Steering Committee will meet at lest once every three months during the annual term. The First Vice-Chairperson shall decide upon the dates and place of such meetings. The first meeting shall occur prior to the second Full Board Meeting of the annual term.
  4. All motions requested by functional and area committees will be reviewed, approved or reconciled by the Executive Committee. Motions may be disapproved only under the following certain circumstances:
    1. The motion is contrary to the City Charter;
    2. The motion is a duplicated motion;
    3. The motion is contrary to board policy; or
    4. The motion is re-introduced without substantial change.
    This authority is derived from CB1's Rules of Procedure (by-laws) Article 7/Sec.6.
  5. All correspondence requested by area and functional committees will be subject to review and approval by Executive.
  6. All motions must be submitted to the Executive Committee within two weeks of the Full Board meeting at which they are to be considered.
  7. There will be no meetings scheduled on National, City, Major religious holidays and election days.

Committee Chairs

  1. The Chairperson of the Board shall seek balanced representation of the board members and non-board members for functional committees. But fifty-one percent (51%) of the committee members must consist of community board members. As per the Corporation Counsel (opinion 11-83), there is neither a requirement to appoint non-board members to a committee nor limit on the numbers of such appointments if the Board opts to appoint non-board members to a committee. Functional and area committee chairpersons shall follow the established format of minutes.
  2. The Committee chairperson shall notify the board office of all committee meeting cancellations.
  3. Committee chairpersons will be responsible for taking minutes and recording attendance at the meetings and submitting new members' application forms to the appropriate vice-chairperson. (Refer to Article2, subdivision 4/5.)
  4. If a non-board member misses three (3) consecutive meetings, the committee chairperson should notify the board chairperson for consideration of removal.
  5. Committee chairpersons are responsible for notifying their members of important meetings.
  6. The Open Meetings Law requires a quorum for conducting board business. If there is no quorum, only an informal discussion can occur and that discussion cannot be reported to the Board and no action can be taken based on the committee's discussion. Community Board Member Handbook

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